Morse Code

By Angelina

What is Morse Code?

  • A "language" created by Samuel Morse

move down to learn about how it was made
move left to learn about what uses it was made for

how was it made?

  • has all 26 letters of the english alphabet and 9 numbers

  • most commonly used letters are shorter, least commonly used letters are longer

Why was it made?

  • delivering messages faster

  • for military use

Move down to learn about when it was used in the military
move right to learn about what it is used for

World war 2

  • was used in world war 2 by both SIDES ("AXIS POWERS" AND "ALLIED POWERS")


german transmitter used in the war

what is it used for?

  • aviation: used by pilots (commercial and military) to communicate to airports

  • amateur radio: most popular method, regular people send morse code to each other

  • speed records: people set records in contests to judge how fast you can read morse code

  • assistive technology: used by mute people to communicate with others

Methods of sending morse code

  • light source (such as a flashlight)

  • smoke signals

to type a message and
listen to it)

Other facts

  • very few people know the original morse code; most people know a variant of the original

  • the person that invented morse code also invented the telegraph (he intended morse code to be transmitted through the telegraph)