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  • Why these languages in these contexts?
  • Why are the books laid out the way they are? What does this mean for languages that are not read left to right?
  • What function does having multiple languages serve in this situation?


Three Epistles of the Apostle John. Translated into Delaware by C.F. Dencke. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society, 1818.

Facing pages in Delaware and English.

Rare book BS 345 .D37 J6


Precationes Aliquot celebriores e sacrid Bibliis desumptae. Paris: Martinum Iuumenem, MDLIIII [1554]

William Penn’s copy, with his bookplate

In Greek, two versions of Latin, and Hebrew, each in its own column on a page.

Rare book BX 7739 .Z2


Bibliorum pars Graeca quae Hebraice non invenitur. Plantin, 1612.

In Greek and Latin, alternating lines.

Rare book BS 1696 .G8 1612


The Gospels of the Fower Evangelistes translate in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin…. London: John Daye, 1571.  In Anglo-Saxon and English, with multiple columns Rare book BS 2554 .A5 1571


The Pentateuch and The Haftaroth.  Newly translated by A. Benisch. Rodelheim: J. Lehrberger & Co., 1864. In English and Hebrew on facing pages. Rare book BS 1222 1864


In cap. I. Geneseos…. Vienna: Gregorii Gelbhaar, MDCXXX [1630]

In Greek and Latin, in alternate columns Rare book BX 1239 .J62


Rare Folio BS 1 .W2

S.S. Biblia Polyglotta. London: Thomas Roycroft, MDCLVII [1657]

In Hebrew, Latin (Vulgate), Arabic, Syriac, Samaritan, Greek, in various columns and spaces