Things that Exist in Known, Limited, and Discrete States
Enum values are important to us because of what they represent and in context to other values in the set
UserRole |
admin |
manager |
user |
guest |
InvoiceType |
standard |
prorated |
comped |
CardBrand |
visa |
mastercard |
discover |
amex |
A payment result will have only one of three values:
public function processPayment()
$result = $this->payment_gateway->run();
if ($result) {
if ($result->approval_code) {
return 'approved';
return 'declined';
return 'error';
public function setResult($result)
$result = strtolower($result);
if (!in_array($result, [
])) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Not Valid!');
$this->result = $result;
public function processPayment()
$result = $this->gateway->run();
if ($result) {
if ($result->approval_code) {
return 1;
return 2;
return 0;
class PaymentResult
public const APPROVED = 'approved';
public const DECLINED = 'declined';
public const ERROR = 'error';
public function processPayment()
$result = $this->gateway->run();
if ($result) {
if ($result->approval_code) {
return PaymentResult::APPROVED;
return PaymentResult::DECLINED;
return PaymentResult::ERROR;
public function setResult($result)
$result = strtolower($result);
if (!in_array($result, [
])) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Not Valid!');
$this->result = $result;
public function setResult(string $result): void
$result = strtolower($result);
if (! PaymentResult::isValid($result)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Not Valid!');
$this->result = $result;
class PaymentResult
public const APPROVED = 'approved';
public const DECLINED = 'declined';
public const ERROR = 'error';
public static function isValid(string $value): bool
$class = get_called_class();
$reflect = new ReflectionClass($class);
$constants = $reflect->getConstants();
return in_array($value, $constants, true);
Class Constants help with code comprehension and centralization.
They are just syntactic sugar around scalars.
class AccountStatus
public const APPROVED = 'approved';
public const ACTIVE = 'active';
public const DEACTIVATED = 'deactivated';
$result = $this->gateway->run($transaction);
if($result->status === 201){
This works, but it is oh, so wrong...
Scalar Type Definitions reduce type errors.
They do not improve readability.
Working directly with scalars allows illogical operations.
class WeekDay
public const MONDAY = 0;
public const TUESDAY = 1;
public const WEDNESDAY = 2;
public const THURSDAY = 3;
public const FRIDAY = 4;
public const SATURDAY = 5;
public const SUNDAY = 6;
WeekDay::SATURDAY + WeekDay::SUNDAY === 11;
This is perfectly legal...
Validation reduces runtime errors.
Only applies to the current context.
Cannot trust a scalar value to not change.
function tomorrow(string &$weekday): int
if (WeekDay::isValid($weekday)) {
$tomorrow = ++$weekday;
if($weekday > 6){
$tomorrow = 0;
return $tomorrow;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
$today = WeekDay::SUNDAY; // (int)6
$tomorrow = tomorrow($today); // (int) 0
var_dump($today); // (int)7
A bit contrived, but we've all seen code like this...
A type is an attribute of a unit of data that tells the computer what values it can take and what operations can be performed upon it.
PHP Types |
boolean |
integer |
float |
string |
array |
object |
callable |
iterable |
resource |
An enumerated type is a named, language-level, wrapper that restricts the possible values of an instance to a discrete set of named members, called enumerators, at compile time.
In practice, this means that an enum variable can have any value in the set and only values in the set can be values.
enum boolean {
false = 0,
true = 1
#include <stdio.h>
enum payment_result {
ERROR // 2
int main()
enum payment_result result;
result = ERROR;
printf("Result: %d", result); // "Result 2"
return 0;
enum PaymentResult: string {
APPROVED = 'approved';
DECLINED = 'declined';
ERROR = 'error';
echo PaymentResult::APPROVED . PHP_EOL; // "approved\n"
from enum import Enum
class PaymentStatus(Enum):
APPROVED = "approved"
DECLINED = "declined"
ERROR = "error"
def foo(self):
return "Hello World"
def is_failed(self):
return self != self.APPROVED
print(PaymentStatus.APPROVED.value) # "approved"
print(PaymentStatus.APPROVED.is_failed) # "False"
print(PaymentStatus.DECLINED.is_failed) # "True"
print( # "Hello, World"
class Main {
public enum PaymentResult {
APPROVED ("approved"),
DECLINED ("declined"),
ERROR ("error");
private final String value;
PaymentResult(String value) {
this.value = value;
public final String value(){
return this.value;
public static void main(String[] args) {
PaymentResult result = PaymentResult.DECLINED;
System.out.println(result.value()); // "declined"
PHP is a developed language, not designed!
Enumerated Types Need Strongly Typed Contexts
function setResult(PaymentResult $result): PaymentResult
return $result;
$result = PaymentResult::APPROVED();
PaymentResult::APPROVED() == PaymentResult::APPROVED();
'approved' === PaymentResult::APPROVED()->value();
'approved' === (string) PaymentResult::APPROVED();
PaymentResult::make('approved') == PaymentResult::APPROVED();
"A small simple object, like money or a date range, whose equality isn't based on identity."
"...I follow a simple but important rule: value objects should be immutable"
-Martin Fowler
namespace App;
* @method static PaymentResult APPROVED()
* @method static PaymentResult DECLINED()
* @method static PaymentResult ERROR()
final class PaymentResult extends Enum
protected static $values = [
'APPROVED' => 'approved',
'DECLINED' => 'declined',
'ERROR' => 'error',
Defining the Child Class...
abstract class Enum
protected $value; // The underlying scalar value
public static function __callStatic($enum, $args): self
return new static($enum);
protected function __construct(string $enum)
$enum = strtoupper($enum);
if (!array_key_exists($enum, static::$values)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException();
$this->value = static::$values[$enum];
public function __set($name, $value): void
throw new \LogicException("Read Only");
Define a Self-Valid, Immutable Parent Class...
$result = PaymentResult::UNDEFINED(); // Throws Exception
$result = PaymentResult::APPROVED(); // PaymentResult
$result = PaymentResult::DECLINED(); // PaymentResult
$result = PaymentResult::ERROR(); // PaymentResult
$result->foo = "hello, world"; // Throws Exception
Using the Enum: Instantiation
// Make an instance from an underlying scalar value
public static function make($value): self
$enum = array_search($value, static::$values, true);
if ($enum === false) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException();
return new static($enum);
// Return the underlying scalar value
public function value()
return $this->value;
// Allow an instance to be cast to a string of the value
public function __toString(): string
return (string)$this->value;
Let's Make It Castable...
$result = PaymentResult::make('approved'); // Payment Result
'approved' === (string) $result; // true
'approved' === $result->value(); // true
Using the Enum: Castable
abstract class Enum
// ...
public function is($value): bool
if ($value instanceof static) {
return $this->value === $value->value;
return $this->value === $value;
Let's Make It Comparable...
PaymentResult::APPROVED() == PaymentResult::APPROVED(); // true;
PaymentResult::APPROVED() === PaymentResult::APPROVED(); // false;
PaymentResult::APPROVED() == PaymentResult::DECLINED(); // false
$result = PaymentResult::APPROVED(); // PaymentResult
$result->is('approved'); // true
$result->is('declined'); // false;
$result->is(PaymentResult::APPROVED()); // true
$result->is(PaymentResult::DECLINED()); // false
Using the Enum: Comparison
public function processPayment(): PaymentResult
$result = $this->gateway->run();
if ($result) {
if ($result->approval_code) {
return PaymentResult::APPROVED();
return PaymentResult::DECLINED();
return PaymentResult::ERROR();
Using the Enum: Updating Our Code
public function setResult(PaymentResult $result): void
$this->result = $result->value();
namespace App;
* @method static PaymentResult APPROVED()
* @method static PaymentResult DECLINED()
* @method static PaymentResult ERROR()
final class PaymentResult extends Enum
protected static $values = [
'APPROVED' => 'approved',
'DECLINED' => 'declined',
'ERROR' => 'error',
protected static $cache = [];
What about caching the object?
abstract class Enum
protected $value;
public static function __callStatic($enum, $args): self
return static::$cache[$enum] ??= new static($enum);
public static function make($value): self
$enum = array_search($value, static::$values, true);
if ($enum === false) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException();
return static::$cache[$enum] ??= new static($enum);
// ...
What about caching the object?
Caching !== Comparison by Identity
$result = PaymentResult::APPROVED();
$serialized = serialize($result);
var_dump($result, unserialize($serialized));
object(App\Cached\PaymentResult)#388 (1) {
string(8) "approved"
object(App\Cached\PaymentResult)#360 (1) {
string(8) "approved"
* @method static self approved()
* @method static self declined()
* @method static self error()
class PaymentResult extends Enum
$result = PaymentResult::approved();
$result = PaymentResult::make('approved');
$result->getValue(); // 'approved';
$result->isApproved(); // true;
$result->isEqual(PaymentResult::approved()); // true
$result->isEqual('approved'); // true
$result->isEqual(PaymentResult::declined()); // false
spatie/enum Package
namespace App\Services\Reporting\KpiReporting;
use MyCLabs\Enum\Enum;
* @method static KpiReportPeriod CURRENT()
* @method static KpiReportPeriod DAILY()
* @method static KpiReportPeriod MONTH_TO_DATE()
* @method static KpiReportPeriod QUARTER_TO_DATE()
* @method static KpiReportPeriod YEAR_TO_DATE()
* @method static KpiReportPeriod CUSTOM()
class KpiReportPeriod extends Enum
private const CURRENT = 'current';
private const DAILY = 'daily';
private const MONTH_TO_DATE = 'month_to_date';
private const QUARTER_TO_DATE = 'quarter_to_date';
private const YEAR_TO_DATE = 'year_to_date';
private const CUSTOM = 'custom';
MyCLabs\Enum Package
final class UserPermissions extends FlaggedEnum
private const READ_COMMENTS = 1 << 0; // 1
private const WRITE_COMMENTS = 1 << 1; // 2
private const EDIT_COMMENTS = 1 << 2; // 4
private const DELETE_COMMENTS = 1 << 3; // 8
// Shortcuts
public const Member = self::READ_COMMENTS | self::WriteComments;
public const Moderator = self::Member | self::EditComments;
public const Admin = self::Moderator | self::DeleteComments;
$permissions = new UserPermissions([
$permissions->hasFlag(UserPermissions::READ_COMMENTS()); // true
$permissions->hasFlag(UserPermissions::DELETE_COMMENTS()); // false
BenSampo/laravel-enum Package
final class AccountStatus extends FiniteStateMachineEnum
protected static $cache = [];
protected static $values = [
'ACCEPTED' => 'accepted',
'APPROVED' => 'approved',
'DECLINED' => 'declined',
'ACTIVATING' => 'activating',
'ACTIVATING_FAILED' => 'activating_failed',
'ACTIVE' => 'active',
'DEACTIVATING' => 'deactivating',
'DEACTIVATED' => 'deactivated',
protected static $transitions = [
'accepted' => ['APPROVED', 'DECLINED'],
'approved' => ['ACTIVATING'],
'declined' => [],
'activating' => ['ACTIVATING_FAILED', 'ACTIVE'],
'activating_failed' => ['ACTIVATING', 'DECLINED'],
'active' => ['DEACTIVATING'],
'deactivating' => ['ACTIVE', 'DEACTIVATED'],
'deactivated' => ['ACTIVATING'],
abstract class FiniteStateMachineEnum extends Enum
public function canTransitionTo(self $enum): bool
return in_array($enum->value, static::$transitions[$this->value], true);
public function transition(self $enum): self
if (!$enum instanceof static) {
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid Enum');
if (!$this->canTransitionTo($enum)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid Transition');
return $enum;
$status = AccountStatus::ACTIVATING(); // AccountStatus
$status->canTransitionTo(AccountStatus::DECLINED()); // false
$status->canTransitionTo(AccountStatus::ACTIVE()); // true
$status->transition(AccountStatus::DECLINED()); // throws exception
$new_status = $status->transition(AccountStatus::ACTIVE()); // AccountStatus
$status == AccountStatus::ACTIVATING(); // true (immutable)
$new_status == AccountStatus::ACTIVE(); // true
Slides & Resources