Mahara 19.10: Portfolios for learning

Kristina Hoeppner (Catalyst) // @anitsirk // 23 and 30 October 2019

Presentation licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0+ // Photo:

since 2006

Folio thinking

... is a process of engaging in the collection, organization, reflection and connection that leads to a person’s ability to speak intelligently and concisely (i.e. tell stories) about one’s learning experiences, what they mean and their value, and how the experiences relate one to each other.

Portfolio activities: 5 Cs






Inspired by Mandia Mentis (Massey University); illustrated by Evonne Cheung (Catalyst)

The portfolio as a museum

Inspired by Hazel Owen (Ethos Consultancy NZ); illustrated by Evonne Cheung (Catalyst)

The portfolio as a performance

the point at which I realised


feedback and mentoring ... was helpful

a highlight


The process of curating the connected collection - making meaning through reflection and thereby developing deeper, more intentional identities as learners - requires thoughtful student action guided by well-informed faculty and staff and supported by a broad coalition of college stakeholders.

Eynon & Gambino 2017


New in Mahara 19.10

Placeholder block

Placeholder block:
Administrator interface

More flexible layout

The old way

The new way

Toggle between "Display" and "Edit" modes

Artefact comments on page

The old way

The new way

Comments and details mode

Assignment plans

Page header background

Removal of database triggers

and more

Many more new features and bug fixes

Mahara manual

Free downloads