This music video is Gold Dust by DJ Fresh and was directed by Ben Newman. The songs genre is drum and bass and is performed in the style of spectacle or concept. You can tell the video is in the spectacle or concept genre because it captures youths doing various activities including double dutch, skateboarding, skipping and free running. There is no true narrative as everything happens randomly, its almost like a documentary of what its like to live as a young person in Brooklyn.
The video never shows that lyrics are illustrated by the visuals going against Goodwin's Rules. But the transition between the up beat and slow drum and bass can be clearly seen in the editing and the movement. For example between 1.47 of the video to 2.08 the slow beat is demonstrated by the edited slow-motion and the casual walking of the two girls. This then all changes after, the beat picks up as does the motion on screen. Everything is in normal motion and the skipping speed is to the same beat of the drum and bass.
From looking at how the artists is portrayed in the video and how the record company may be selling the track is that there are no visuals of the performer or lyrics. I believe that this has been purposely done so that audiences mainly focus on the music rather than needing a performers image to sell.
To conclude I believe that the music video is mainly concept-based because of the basic but effective visuals that well adapt to the beat of the music.
This music video is Brown Paper Bag by Roni Size/Reprazent.The songs genre is Drum and Bass, and Hip Hop. Its performed in the style of narrative. You can tell the video is a narrative because there is a constant theme is time changing, based around the egg timer and effective editing.
Very much like the previous video non of the lyrics are illustrated in the visuals, and non of it is lip synced by a performer. This is becoming a constant trend throughout drum and bass videos as the videos are mainly emphasised on the music rather than what is happening on screen. Although the music is linked to the editing. There are constant changes of shots and scenes to the beat, and the pace of the drum and beat has been cleverly used to change the speed of action on screen, stopping things in time to follow the narrative of the storyline.
From looking at how the artists is portrayed in the video and how the record company may be selling the track there is not much focus on the performer but what is happening and the action on screen. I believe the record company and artists video was more on the video to get a wider audience for the song.
To conclude I believe that the music video is mainly narrative-based from the strong storyline and how it was adapted to the type of music.
This music video is Loving Touch by Fracture. The songs genre is drum and bass and is performed in the style of spectacle or concept. You can tell the video is in the spectacle or concept genre because its very original and not something that usually gets done a lot.
The video shows that the lyrics are illustrated by the visuals, which helps to support Goodwin's rules. The lyrics are represented by what the video is made out of. All the prints are made with hands or fingers, this could connote that hands are the way to a loving touch. The actual music is also supported by the visuals, every print changes to the beat of the music.
From looking at how the artists is portrayed in the video and how the record company may be selling the track its more about the music than the visuals that are used to sell the track.
To conclude I believe that the music video is mainly concept-based because of the basic but effective visuals that well adapt to the beat of the music.