Armagan Amcalar
unu GmbH
HR in Tech Berlin #4
July 6th, 2017
Armagan Amcalar
Head of Software Engineering @ unu GmbH
Founder @ Lonca Works
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You don’t hire employees.
Employees hire you.
You even pay them to spend their time with you — you are the servant.
Turnover rates are too high
Employee tenure is too short
Few improvement opportunities
Repetitive tasks and daily chores
Team structure
Unfair hierarchy
Team spirit
Disbelief in change
Hire or grow strong leaders
Hire the right people
Look for hunger. What you need is not the ability to deliver, but the desire to grow
Look for a search of purpose, instead of a whiteboard interview
Extrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation
Give people some purpose
Drive them with a clear vision
Live by your (ethics) code
Why should they work for you?
What is your unique value proposition?
Invest in your team members from day 1
Build up personal connections & trust
This is not a management problem, this is a human problem
If necessary, build up your inter-personal skills
Listen to your team members
Delegate responsibilities, let people take decisions
Build a scalable team infrastructure for re-kindling, re-sparking interest in team members by a change of position.
Repeatable success with free summer code camps
2 huge enterprise projects with rigid project structures
Software apprenticeship model
Team members will stay as long as they benefit from you. You are bound to deliver value to them.
Armagan Amcalar