Armağan Amcalar
JAX London 2017
Oct 11th, 2017
The Secret of
Armagan Amcalar
Head of Software Engineering @ unu GmbH
Founder @ Lonca Works
1. An occupation that favors skilled labor over capital and requires training, dexterity and mastery.
Labor that produces unique, value-added outcome. Not monotonous, no mass production.
No two code base is the same and one is always required to solve new problems.
A new graduate is very different from an experienced engineer.
But an engineer who spent years without gaining mastery is also a lot different than an engineer who achieved mastery in a shorter time.
Required to solve complex problems relatively easily.
A dexterous developer solves problems easily and for once. An inept developer's code may break or needs fixing the next day, or may even never work.
Master software craftsmen take care to produce well-formed code, useful and consistent API, solid software architecture and even that pixel-perfect front-end application.
They take pride in their work as their work pleases the eyes and the soul.
Software engineering taught in schools is not a real craftsmanship training.
Craftsmanship training takes long years, working actively on the area of profession, producing real output. The master passes the intricacies and the secrets to the apprentice on a one-on-one interaction.
Learning from the book?
No fear, no pain, no defeat in this dojo.
If come from inside, the picture is right.
We use canvas belt.
You train to not have to fight.
Don't ask, just learn.
Balance good, everything good.
I hate fighting.
A licence never replaces your eye, ear and brain.
Your heart tells if you are brave. A medal tells only if you are lucky.
Your best karate is still inside you.
Armağan Amcalar
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