Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?


Target Audience: 15 to 25 year olds (teenagers and young adults)

Social media would be the best way to attract young people for this movie as most young people have some sort of social media, will be able to see information about the film. Adverts are an effective way but they require a high cost, which we don't have as we are a low budget film. 

We would use social media sites like;

- snapchat

- twitter

- facebook

- instagram


Also, word of mouth will help to spend the word around, after being started on social media


We used camera work to create tension in scenes. We used a wide range of shots such as close ups and panning movements. 

We attracted our audience by using shots of which the camera is not set up typically such as the picture in the bottom middle.

The first two images were not placed together but are taken from the same position, showing the sudden event of the villain coming.


Our opening sequence was of the genre of Horror.

From our research, the two most popular sub-genres of horror were home invasion and thriller, so this is what would appeal to out target audience, hence why made our opening sequence to fit this.

We combined home invasion and thriller to fit what would attract out target audience. Another question we conducted in our survey was if they prefer real life based stories; the majority said yes. Hence, we tried making our opening sequence as realistic as possible.


At the start of the opening sequence we used continuity editing to set the scene and show the audience what the character was doing.

When the villain came in we used parallel cutting, a form of cross cutting, to show the contrast of what all the characters are doing after the villain has jumped over. This is appealing to the audience as it creates pace and tension.

Having short duration shots side by side kept the pace going and allowed us to fit a lot more in. 


The first phone call was the first horror element as it started to build tension. This was inspiration was taken from Scream. The second phone call is when things began to get strange due to what the villain said on the phone.

This was the first real shock for the audience as it began to create enigma. After this, the audience see the villain and know that something strange is going to happen to the little girl.

When the opening sequence ends, the audience don't know where the villain is going to take the little girl, or what he is going to do with her.

This leaves the audience in suspense as they don't know what is going to happen, and will keep them gripped, wanting to watch the rest of the film.


We set our opening sequence in ordinary locations like a garden an kitchen to make it feel as realistic as possible for the audience. The gate in the second picture was very old and rusty (which we included in the risk assessment) so we had to be very careful.

The indoor and outdoor shots helped to create enigma as it kept the audience wanting to know if the babysitter would get to the little girl before the villain does.


The innocence of the girls with the binary opposition of evil villain gripped the audiences attention as the suspense built up for the audience.

As the little girls carer was a babysitter and not her mother, it makes the audience question what she will go through after, when her parents return. Also, the little girl was completely vulnerable as she didn't know the villain was going to take her.


At first the audience are not shown the mask, they are just shown the legs walking, and the the villain from the back. This builds up enigma as the audience are unaware of what is happening.

We wanted the title to be written with chalk to create tension for what will happen next. We wanted it to look plain and simple so that it is easy to read. We also chose black and white to add to the simplicity.

We wanted to make our production name look as realistic to a actual production name as possible. Hence we took inspiration from Paramount Pictures 


We used background music to give our opening sequence for of a horror feel. We used it to create tension and suspense.

Also, from the research that I had done background music was used in every film, hence we also included music to make our opening sequence seem like a real media product.

Our first soundtrack was a creepy toy sound.

The second soundtrack was a fast paced sound track and we put it in when the villain jumped over the gate. This is because we wanted to make the shots shorter to add more pace.

This also haloed to create tension and suspense for the audience