Lesson 3
- Prehistory and the ancient world
Ancient civilizations
Lebombo bone, Swaziland, 45 000 BC
29 notches - lunar phase counter? - broken
Ishango bone, Ishango, DR Congo, 20 000 BC
lunar phase? prime numbers? - numeric system
Chauvet cave paintings, Ardéche, France, c. 32 000 BC
"Map" from Pavlov, Breclav, Czech Republic, 25 000 BC
The Mezhirich map, Mezhirich, Ukraine, 12000BC–5000BC
Map of Catal Hüyük? Catal Hüyük, Turkey, 6000 BC
Cuneiform clay table of mathematical calculations, Babylonian Empire, 2000 BC
Babylonian "Pythagoras' Theorem", c. 1900 BC
Hurrian Hymn to Nikkal, Ugarit, Syria, c. 1400 BC
musical scores, rhythm, instructions
Townplan of Nippur, c. 1400 BC
Townplan of Nippur, c. 1200 BC
Babylonian map of the world - 700 BC
The Battle of Kadesh 1274, reconstruction, Ramesseum, Egypt, 1250BC
"The Battering Ram", relief from Assurbanipal I's palace in Nimrud, 860 BC
Navigation chart, Marshall Islands, 1920-30