Social Work English |

Welcoming & Healthy Food on a Low Budget

Quick Review

  • Big numbers / Percentages / Fractions etc.
  • Present Simple Structures (+ / ? / -), Adverbs of Frequency
  • In/ On/ At / - With Time
  • Food




Free Food












Citizens Advice


have an earache

have a sore throat

have a stomachache

Clothes Bank

  • Do you have a budget? How much do you spend weekly / monthly on food? For what? Do you shop at different supermarkets?
  • Could you survive on £1 a day (£7 a week / 28 a month per person) for food? Could you maintain a healthy diet which would sustain you in the long-term (balanced meals with the right proportions of protein, carbs, essential vitamins, etc.)?
  • (Try it?
  • Who is eligible to receive help from a food bank? Must users of food banks show proof of income?
    • What other financial assistance (benefits) are available in France?


Carers Allowance - Crisis Loan - Disability Living Allowance - Maternity Allowance - Maternity Grant - Unemployment Benefits - Housing Benefits

  • How can citizens find a food bank in your area? Are there any limits? Any alternatives?
    • Have you used a food bank before? Would you use one if necessary?
  • What about for emergency help? (soup kitchens, where to go for breakfast / a hot meal / for children? What if you need furniture or appliances?)
  • It is estimated that, pre-COVID, 280,000 people were homeless in the UK. Relative poverty is widespread. Many adults are choosing between electricity and food each day. Is it the same in France?
  • Some people say the handouts (free money/ food, etc.) encourage people not to work. Do you agree?

Practical Advice (USE MODALS)

  1. I work ______ a non-profit organisation based in Lyon.
  2. I work ______ a small group of people. We make a good team.
  3. I'm responsible ______ supervising visits.
  4. My job consists ______ helping the elderly complete basic tasks.
  5. I'm in charge ______ managing a small team of carers.
  6. I specialise ______ childhood trauma.
  7. I work ______ a carer for young disabled children.
  8. I work ______ the area of domestic abuse and family violence.
  9. I deal ______ incidents relating to alcohol abuse.






Discussion | Work Placements

  • What company or organisation / work for?
    • What / your responsibilities there? What / your typical day like?
    • What / your working conditions?
  • / you enjoy your work?
    • Why did you choose it?
    • What did you learn?
  • What types of people / you work with?
    • What challenges / you deal with?
  • / you able to balance your personal and work life?
  • / you face any ethical dilemmas?

Modals Speaking Practise | Social Work Dilemmas

  • Sophie has a treatable, but deadly form of cancer. Doctors have prescribed chemotherapy and radiation. Sophie's mother is a member of a religious group that believes in prayer as a cure for illness and is opposed to western medicine. The father, who does not have legal custody of Sophie, wants his daughter to receive treatment.
  • You are a school counselor. Your meetings with students are confidential. Alex, a 15 year-old pupil at the school, has told you that he is unhappy and that his father has started physically abusing his mother. Before telling you, he made you promise not to tell anyone, because his father would know it was him who told her.

Modals Speaking Practise | Social Work Dilemmas

  • You are a child welfare supervisor. You work in a rural area with only one other supervisor in your office. A 14 year-old girl in temporary foster care has disclosed that she is pregnant and would like an abortion. Both you and your colleague are opposed to abortion and would not be comfortable working on this case.
  • An allegation has been made concerning educational neglect of five brothers between the ages of 9 and 16. None of the boys has ever been to school, and all are unable to read or resolve simple math problems. The parents are educated, but believe their children are better without school. They do not want to home school and do not wish to follow state requirements. The children are polite, well-nourished and friendly.
  • Oscar is unemployed and has problems with drug addiction. He tells you he is going to steal to pay for drugs he has been given. He says that if he does not pay, his life will be in danger. 

Discussion | Describing The Situations

  • What is the situation / problem / help given in each of the cases?
  • Why do you think Sammy is reluctant to speak and how do we convince people to open up?
    • What do you think could be the cause of his problems?
  • Confidentiality is key for trust, but do you think his case worker should talk with his parents, teachers or the authorities?
  • If you notice a child is malnourished, or  frequently appears to have lesions or bruising on their body, what would you do?
    • Speak with the parents
    • Speak with the child only.
    • Refer the case to authorities.

Meeting Sammy in a Medical Educational Institute

Disability Support Worker | Changing the life of Talia, who has cerebral palsy.

Advice (Should -> if statement)

Food bank / Financial Assistance Advice Role-play