What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The music magazine will need a suitable publishing company to publish the magazine. There are a number of publishers that publish music magazines, however choosing the right publication company is vital to ensuring that the magazine is distributed well and that it reaches the target audience. For this reason i loked at two publishers.
I think B4U media would be the best to distribute my music magazine. I think this because it distributes music magazines such as ‘Bollywood glitz’ . The target audience of Bollywood glitz magazine are the same as my target audience so i think that my magazine will fit in perfectly with the product they have currently. As the company distributes well known music magazines it means the company has the experience and may have consumers interested in my magazine.By selecting a popular company will give my magazine a good chance of a consumer being interested in my magazine meaning better sale.
I also think IPC media would be the good to distribute my music magazine. I think this because it’s a popular media institution and distributes music magazines such as ‘Maire Claire’ and ‘Look' . Their target audinecs are similar to mine aso it would be good insituation for to my product to reach my target audience. IPC Media is also a very well known publisher, 26 million adults in the UK read a magazine published by IPC Media, so by using them to publish my magazine I will definitely know that they will be doing a good job in making sure my product id advertised and sold. Also, because they are such a big and well known company, there should be more advertisement options as it should be both easier and cheaper to advertise with help from such a big media institution