multiplier | |
Learning something | 1 |
Teaching someone | 1 |
Explaining something to a group | N |
Learning how to speak well is the best next step for your professional career
find the word with the longest sequence of "o"s in a list of words.
function Ooooo(words) { ... }
Ooooo(['foo', 'booo', 'bar']); // 'booo'
example: good vs bad slide content
example: too much text
example: too little text
example: separate slides
latest results suggest that ...
a science grew from astrology ...
is complicated
focus: single point per slide
example: amount of content per slide
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ullamcorper justo, vel sodales lorem finibus hendrerit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent tempus eros id tristique viverra. Vivamus malesuada ante ac diam finibus, nec convallis ex dignissim. Sed id luctus elit. Integer iaculis sem in turpis congue vestibulum. Curabitur semper justo orci, eget vehicula diam maximus eu. Sed pharetra hendrerit dui at posuere. Sed et congue arcu, at porta odio.
Pellentesque auctor accumsan lorem. Nam in venenatis sem, sit amet fringilla metus. Sed laoreet magna sed libero posuere, et facilisis sem fringilla. Proin et fringilla justo. Nunc suscipit eros quam, id placerat felis commodo a. Curabitur sed laoreet dolor, vitae ultricies felis. Vestibulum sollicitudin justo nec mauris tristique, sit amet eleifend lacus varius. Fusce venenatis accumsan lacus, semper iaculis massa faucibus eget.
a science grew from astrology ...
tip: put approximately same amount of content per slide
latest results suggest that ...
a science grew from astrology ...
is complicated
tip: same amount helps keep the timing
example: amount of content per slide
min 3
min 6
min 9
Use "Speaker view" or timer-bar for HTML presentations