Evaluation Question 3
What have you learnt from audience feedback?
How I recorded Audience Feedback...
Audience feedback was an essential part of the production process to make sure I was improving areas that audience's felt weren't meeting their wants and expectations.
I started with my film title as my first place to gather audience feedback and start with as much audience response and input as possible to make sure I was heading towards a successful collection of three texts.

The REsults ARe IN!
Once I had received the 80+ responses I created a pie chart to colourfully display the final outcome. I then asked my lecturer for the final say and the result came out as
'Among Us'
The IMportance of facebook
Facebook was the most immediate way of gaining audience response and generating a conversation between people about the two ancillary texts.
I uploaded the poster and magazine cover on different days as separate images and I got different peoples attention by doing this. I didn't ask anyone to have a look at it or give me feedback, I simply left it on my wall to see if it sparked peoples interest. Luckily it did and I got a whole range of comments and likes from both genders and various ages. I was really pleased with this as it shows my texts were versatile enough to appeal to a widespread demographic. This is key for success when films are released and are hoping to do well at the box office.

comments and feedback

Here are some of my favourite responses to my final magazine front cover design.

Comments and Feedback

Having as many opinions as possible helped me define and manipulate my work according to what my audience reactions were. Here are some comments which came from a media and photography lecturer from a university. By having a role of authority look at my work and give me critical advice was something I felt was useful to hear, however I did not change my final outcome because of the majority response disagreed with this.
TRailer Feedback
I decided to record peoples reactions after watching my trailer. I used a voice recorder and then created a Vox Pop inspired soundbite of people talking and their opinions. I had done a lot of filming videos during my process, so I thought peoples voices on an mp3 would be more interesting to record as part of my feedback process.
Overall it was a positive set of comments.
Working with Others input
I knew I had a lot of things that would help me improve my trailer, I originally struggled with what to put in the main middle section of my trailer to create a form of narrative that didn't give too much away. I decided to watch lots of trailers and get feedback from people who watched a lot of horror films. The main thing that people said they liked was an element of crime or a mystery police case that left them guessing. I felt this worked with the news report style that I had done in my planning.

What I have learnt
I think I have learnt a lot from using focus groups of my target audiences, teachers, family and close friends to get a different range of input and feedback for different aspects of my trailer process and the final outcome of my two ancillary texts. I used people closer to me for smaller decisions where I needed honesty, but group feedback from social network users for more of a general opinion. Overall I think I can safely say that my work shows a realistic take on existing media products and creating my own version of texts in relation to the horror genre and the supernatural sub genre.