a step by step guide for using
the new marketmaker2
#BarterDEX #Komodo
the following slides show a not fully documented guide. though it might help.
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-system-dev jq
rustup install nightly-2018-12-24
rustup default nightly-2018-12-24
rustup component add rustfmt-preview
Make sure you have Cmake 3.12 or higher and Rustup.
You will also need your OS specific build tools (e.g. build-essentials on Linux, XCode on OSX or MSVC on Win).
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/artemii235/SuperNET.git
git checkout mm2
cd SuperNET
cargo build
cd target/debug
touch coins
vi coins
Add the contents of this coins file.
Then save the file.
for electrums
1. Have a seed ready.
2. Generate a secure RPC password.
We'll use both in the next slide.
stdbuf -oL ./mm2 "{\"gui\":\"MM2GUI\",\"netid\":9999, \"userhome\":\"/${HOME#"/"}\", \"passphrase\":\"YOUR_SEED\", \"rpc_password\":\"YOUR_PASSWORD\"}" &
Set YOUR_SEED and YOUR_PASSWORD in the code below.
Remember YOUR_PASSWORD, you'll use it soon again.
this is my passphrase its very secure not how to generate a good passphrase not by just typing it stupid
this is my passphrase its very secure not how to generate a good passphrase not by just typing it stupid
export userpass="YOUR_PASSWORD"
Create a file named 'userpass'. Add the content below, though replace rpc_password with YOUR_PASSWORD
Save the file. Then do:
source userpass
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"electrum\",\"coin\":\"KMD\",\"urls\":[\"electrum1.cipig.net:10001\",\"electrum2.cipig.net:10001\",\"electrum3.cipig.net:10001\"]}"
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"electrum\",\"coin\":\"BTC\",\"urls\":[\"electrum1.cipig.net:10000\",\"electrum2.cipig.net:10000\",\"electrum3.cipig.net:10000\"]}"
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"orderbook\",\"base\":\"KMD\",\"rel\":\"BTC\"}" | jq
brew install jq
sudo apt-get install jq
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"orderbook\",\"base\":\"KMD\",\"rel\":\"BTC\"}" | jq
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"buy\",\"base\":\"BEER\",\"rel\":\"PIZZA\",\"volume\":0.5,\"price\":0.5}" | jq
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"buy\",\"base\":\"KMD\",\"rel\":\"BTC\",\"relvolume\":0.01,\"price\":0.00017}" | jq