Hui Hu Ph.D.
Department of Epidemiology
College of Public Health and Health Professions & College of Medicine
March 18, 2019
Introduction to Spatial Data
Data Models
A geographic data model is a structure for organizing geospatial data so that it can be easily stored and retrieved.
Geographic coordinates
Tabular attributes
Vector Model
- points, lines, polygons
Raster Model
- exhaustive regular or irregular partitioning of space
.shp - the file that stores the geometry of the feature
.shx - the file that stores the index of the feature geometry
.dbf - the dBASE file that stores the attribute information
.prj - the file that defines the shapefile's projection
.html, .htm, .xml - the files that usually contains metadata
.sbn and .sbx - store additional indices
3D sphere
Geographic Coordinate System
2D flat
Projected Coordiate System
Taking an ellipsoidal earth and squashing it onto a flat surface
Cylindrical projections
Conic projections
Azimuthal projections
EPSG is a very recent SRS numbering system
- If you are using data from a few decades ago, you won't find EPSG number
The constituent pieces that form an SRS:
- ellipsoid
- datum
- projection