Benjamin Akera
Sunbird AI
Mila - Quebec AI Inst.
McGill University
What we shall cover
Cardiomegaly - A big heart
Pleural Effusion
Radiologists have a very strong mental model of what a CXR should look like
Delays in medical interpretation are bad
Data is the new oil for machine learning
Deep Learning Models are already good at Computer Vision
Deep learning saliency maps may not accurately highlight diagnostically relevant regions for medical image interpretation 2
Saporta, Adriel, et al. "Deep learning saliency maps do not accurately highlight diagnostically relevant regions for medical image interpretation (p. 2021.02. 28.21252634)." (2021).
Original image (a) and extracted lung segmented image (b). Many possible bias sources like all the writings and medical equipment is naturally removed.
Tartaglione, Enzo, et al. "Unveiling covid-19 from chest x-ray with deep learning: a hurdles race with small data." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17.18 (2020): 6933
Learn a model that simultaneously predicts the class label and domain label for a given CXR image. The parameters of the model are updated to extract representations that contain information about the class label but not about domain label
Coarse bilateral interstitial opacities are consistent with patient's known interstitial lung disease. There is minimally increased prominence of pulmonary vasculature and heart size compared to prior, possibly secondary to slightly lower lung volumes and/or interval hydration/fluid overload. Mild congestive heart failure cannot be excluded. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. Underlying interstitial lung disease slightly limits evaluation for pneumonia, but no new large opacities are detected. Aortic calcification is again seen. A nasogastric tube traverses below the diaphragm, distal tip not well seen.
> Labelled as positive for pneumonia
- Iteratively build labeling functions and use "unlabelled" data
A data programming pipeline uses clinician-written pattern rules on radiology text reports to automatically generate training labels for classifying abnormalities like pneumonia from chest X-rays.
Dunnmon, Jared, et al. "Cross-modal data programming enables rapid medical machine learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.11101 (2019)
Trivedi, Anusua, et al. "Deep learning models for COVID-19 chest x-ray classification: Preventing shortcut learning using feature disentanglement." Plos one 17.10 (2022): e0274098.
Tartaglione, Enzo, et al. "Unveiling covid-19 from chest x-ray with deep learning: a hurdles race with small data." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17.18 (2020): 6933
Saporta, Adriel, et al. "Deep learning saliency maps do not accurately highlight diagnostically relevant regions for medical image interpretation (p. 2021.02. 28.21252634)." (2021).