A Practical Intro to Data Structures for Interviews

Part 2 of the 4 part series

A Practical Data Structures and

Algorithms for Interviews



What to expect

Step Process
Resume / Application
Coding Challenge
Recruiter Phone Screen
Technical Phone Screen
Onsite Interview

What to expect

Step Process
Resume / Application Resume skimmer, manual reading, or submitted by recommendation
Coding Challenge HackerRank, create a demo app, Add a feature to a demo app
Recruiter Phone Screen Friendly, marketing company, questions about why you are leaving, what you are working on, what you want next, etc.
Technical Phone Screen Code in a collabedit or google doc
Pair program on adding a feature to a codebase
High-level questions about your domain and projects
Onsite Interview Similar to above except in person and 3-6hrs long, sometimes a bit harder

Interview Skills at Each Step

Step Looking For Over-achieve
Resume / Application Gauges relevant experience
Coding Challenge Clean, correct code
Recruiter Phone Screen Interest in role, company, culture fit
Technical Phone Screen Gauge tech ability & fit
Onsite Interview Gauge tech ability & fit

Interview Skills at Each Step

Step Looking For Over-achieve
Resume / Application Relevant experience Recommendation from someone
Coding Challenge Clean, correct code Use a linter, ensure you clearly Understand the problem, add tests and descriptive comments
Recruiter Phone Screen Interest in role, company, culture fit Read the engineering blog and relevant press about the company Ask engaging questions, have highlights ready
Technical Phone Screen Tech ability & fit Have a conversational tone, communicate the entire way. Be able to discuss previous projects in-depth
Onsite Interview Tech ability & fit Know your DS, your language of choice, and be their friend 

Some Reasons you Bombed

Step Looking For Glaring problem
Resume / Application Relevant experience
Coding Challenge Clean, correct code
Recruiter Phone Screen Interest in role, company, culture fit
Technical Phone Screen Tech ability & fit
Onsite Interview Tech ability & fit

Some Reasons you Bombed

Step Looking For Glaring problem
Resume / Application Relevant experience Relevant experience is buried, grammar issues, no role fit
Coding Challenge Clean, correct code Messy, unorganized code, didn't solve the challenge, missed details
Recruiter Phone Screen Interest in role, company, culture fit Communication-based: Offended recruiter, didn't seem interested in company
Technical Phone Screen Tech ability & fit Inability to describe past project high-level implementation details,
not communicative, frustrated
Onsite Interview Tech ability & fit Thought-process was not clear, lack of CS fundamentals, communication

What is a data structure?

Why should you care?

Common Interview DS

DS Common Uses FEM Course
Arrays & Strings ordered data, words Part 2 (this one)
Hash Tables optimization Part 2 (this one)
Linked Lists data insert/delete Part 2 (this one)
Stacks/Queues creative aux DS Part 2 (this one)
Trees, Heaps hierarchical data Part 3
Graphs complex relationships Part 4

What will we cover today?

1. Background

2. Implementation

3. Analysis

4. Gain experience and intuition

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

How to be effective

Rule #1 don't aim to memorize, this will not help!

Rule #2 find themes, but don't jump to conclusions

Rule #3 practice with a timer, speed matters

Rule #3.5 actually practice, reading doesn't count

Rule #4 communicate and be nice


Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Intro to our

Data Structures




Linked Lists

Hash Tables



Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String


 stores items in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) order


stores items in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order

Fast operations

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Stack & Queue IRL

JavaScript engines have a call stack and message queue that executes your code at runtime

When you hit 'undo' in your text editor or 'back' in your browser, you are using a stack

const stack = [1,2,3,4];

// [1,2,3,4,5]

// -> 5
// [1,2,3,4]

const queue = [1,2,3,4];

// [1,2,3,4,5]

// -> 1
// [2,3,4,5]

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Linked List

organizes items sequentially, with each item storing a pointer to the next

Pros Cons
Fast operations on the ends Costly lookups
Flexible size

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Linked List IRL

Linked Lists are often the underlying data structure for a stack or queue.

You can implement a Least Recently Used cache using a linked list.

Hash tables often use linked lists to handle collisions

(more on this later)

const linkedlist = {
  head: {
    value: 1
    next: {
      value: 2
      next: {
        value: 3
        next: null

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String


Without looking up anything, draw the following data structures:

- Stack

- Queue

- Linked List


Tweet @BiancaGando and @FrontendMasters

for feedback and laughs



Hash Table

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

organizes data for quick look up on values for a given key.

Pros Cons
Fast lookups Slow worst-case lookups
Flexible keys Unordered
Single-directional lookups

Hash Table IRL

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

{ }



Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String


organizes items sequentially in memory

Pros Cons
Fast lookups Slow insert
Fast appends Slow deletes

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Array IRL


Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String


Without looking up anything, draw the following data structures:

- Hash Table

- Array

- String


Tweet @BiancaGando and @FrontendMasters

for feedback and laughs





Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

/** Class representing a Stack. */

class Stack {

  constructor() {
    this.storage = {};
  * Adds a new value at the end of the 
  * stack
  * @param {*} value the value to push
  push() {


  * Removes the value at the end of the stack and returns it
  * @return {*} the last and newest value in the stack
  pop() {

  * Returns the value at the end of the stack without removing it
  * @return {*} the last and newest value in the stack
  peek() {


Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

/** Class representing a Queue. */

class Queue {

  constructor() {
    this.storage = {};
  * Enqueues a new value at the end 
  * of the queue
  * @param {*} value - the value to 
  * enqueue
  enqueue() {


  * Dequeues the value from the beginning of the queue and returns it
  * @return {*} the first and oldest value in the queue
  dequeue() {

  * Returns the value at the beginning of the queue without removing it from the queue
  * @return {*} value the first and oldest value in the queue
  peek() {


Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

/** Class representing a Linked List */

class LinkedList {

  constructor() {
    this.storage = {};
  * Inserts a new value to the end of the linked list
  * @param {*} value - the value to insert
  insert() {

  * Deletes a node
  * @param {*} node - the node to remove
  * @return {*} value - the deleted node's value
  remove() {

  * Removes the value at the end of the linked list
  * @return {*} - the removed value
  removeTail() {

  * Searches the linked list and returns true if it contains the value passed
  * @param {*} value - the value to search for
  * @return {boolean} - true if value is found, otherwise false
  contains() {

  * Checks if a node is the head of the linked list 
  * @param {{prev:Object|null, next:Object|null}} node - the node to check
  * @return {boolean} - true if node is the head, otherwise false
  isHead() {

  * Checks if a node is the tail of the linked list 
  * @param {{prev:Object|null, next:Object|null}} node - the node to check
  * @return {boolean} - true if node is the tail, otherwise false
  isTail() {


Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

/** Class representing a Hash Table */

class HashTable {

  constructor() {
    this.storage = [];
  * Inserts a new key-value pair
  * @param {string} key - the key associated 
  * with the value
  * @param {*} value - the value to insert
  insert() {

  * Deletes a key-value pair
  * @param {string} key - the key associated with the value
  * @return {*} value - the deleted value
  remove() {

  * Returns the value associated with a key
  * @param {string} key - the key to search for
  * @return {*} - the value associated with the key
  retrieve() {

  * Hashes string value into an integer that can be mapped to an array index
  * @param {string} str - the string to be hashed
  * @param {number} n - the size of the storage array
  * @return {number} - an integer between 0 and n
  _hash(str, n) {
    let sum = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
        sum += str.charCodeAt(i) * 3

    return sum % n;

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

/** Class representing an Aray, a fictional data 
* structure similar to an array except that the 
* underlying storage is a string 

class Aray {
  constructor() {
    this.storage = '';
  * Pushes a value at the end of the aray
  * @param {string} value - the value to insert
  * @return {number} - the length of the aray
  push() {

  * Pops off the last value of the aray
  * @return {string} value - the popped value
  pop() {

  * Returns the length of the aray
  * @return {number} - the length of the aray
  length() {


Common Interview Questions


Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String



Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Linked List Array/
Reversing linear linear linear
Sorting tower of Hanoi not typical merge, quik
Traversing not typical linear linear
Merging, sorted not typical linear linear
Merging, range not typical not typical if sorted, O(n)
Interleaving not typical linear linear
Partitioning not typical linear linear
Rotating not typical linear linear
Edit distance not typical not typical varies
Shuffling not typical varies varies

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Linked List Hash Table Array/
Searching linear linear linear linear
Searching, sorted log(n) log(n) NA log(n)
Min/Max stack, O(1) stack, O(1) stack, O(1) stack, O(1)
Min/Max, sorted in-place, O(1) in-place, O(1) NA in-place, O(1)
Unique HT, O(n) HT, O(n) default HT, O(n)
Unique, sorted in-place, O(n) in-place, O(n) NA in-place, O(n)

Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String

Things to consider

in-place / side effects

preserving original order

Set vs Map vs Object

lengths of 0 and 1


optimization vs readability

what other information could you ask for?




Further Resources

On Frontend Masters:

Upcoming: Interview Prep course

Brian Holt's CS in 5hrs


Geeks for Geeks


Cracking the Coding Interview

Hacker Rank / Leetcode

Interviewing.io & Pramp


Stack / Queue

Linked List

Hash Table

Array / String