Don't Talk Tech!

IT Service Professionals

are NOT paid to be "techies"

Nobody cares what you know

  • Certifications only matter to you and your teachers... and maybe your mom
  • "What can you do?" counts much more than "What do you know?"
  • Fixing what's broken is only the beginning...

Give them the Business

  • Stop fixing things! Start creating solutions
  • Don't just back up their data - manage their information and communication assets
  • Take stock: be the keeper of their inventory - hardware, software, accounts, passwords and configurations
  • Find ways to automate and create structure - let the technology do the grunt work

Speak to the Bottom Line

  • Save time
  • Eliminate wasted effort
  • Add customers
  • Increase revenue
  • It's not about the invoices - it's about the benefits

Think CAREER, not JOB

  • You are responsible for your own career path
  • Every job is preparation for the next job
  • Knowledge of your clients' business needs will distinguish you more than mastery of technical skills
  • Pay attention to regulations that mandate the use of certain technological solutions, and stay ahead of the curve
  • Never stop learning

Where is IT heading...?

  • Mobile/Apps market/Location-based customer engagement
  • Collaboration/Virtual teams/Video conferencing
  • Very Big Data - storage/backup/disaster recovery
  • High-speed WiFi EVERYWHERE