Ashok Modi - Drupalcamp LA 2018
Tests are awesome
Feature: Test to make sure the search works correctly
Scenario: Test the search form from the home page
Given I am on the home page
When I fill in the following:
| search_key | gallery |
And I click "Search"
Then I should see "This photo in my gallery"
Feature: Test to make sure the login works correctly
Scenario: Test logging into the site
Given I am on the home page
And I click 'Login'
When I fill in the following:
| username | ashok |
| password | drupal |
And I click "Login"
Then I should see "Congratulations! You are now logged in"
composer require drupal/drupal-extension:3.3.*
composer require dmore/behat-chrome-extension
'Given I go to the homepage' => function givenIGoToTheHomepage()
Tests are awesome
And I use them in my project!