Life a Century Ago

Focusing on Jasper County

Brian Capouch

A look at life roughly a century ago

Game Plan:

  • World events
  • United States
  • Indiana
  • Jasper County and vcinity

I. World Events

Valdmir Lenin dies

January 21, 1924


Adolph Hitler convicted of treason for "Beer Hall Putsch"

1924 Olympics

  • Summer Olympics also held in Paris
  • First-ever Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France
    • American won first gold medal

England's First Labor Gov't

  • Conservatives had long been in power
    • Parallel of sorts to 2024
  • Didn't take long and they were out of power again

II. United States

Woodrow Wilson Dies February 4, 1924

J. Edgar Hoover appointed head of FBI

III. Indiana

Avg. Farm Size: 100 a.

Only 12% using tractors

Most farms lacked electricity

ca. 1915

Avg land cost $50/acre

26% of population were farmers

The McCormick-Deering Farmall tractor debuted in 1924!

A big story connects Indiana history to local history: the conviction and imprisonment of Governor Warren McCray

It's a convoluted story!

  • Republican McCray elected in 1920
  • He holds a unique distinction

Edward L. Jackson, Secretary of State, was a Klan member

The Klan wanted McCray's help enacting legislation

McCray steadfastly refused to accede to the many Klan demands

Jackson attempted to bribe McCray, with $10,000

Jackson was elected governor in 1924

In 1924, over 50% of Indiana legislators were Klan members

Meanwhile, back at the farm. .

In the early 1920s, the cattle market totally collapsed

This led McCray, now stationed at the capital, into a liquidity crisis

When he refused to go along, the Klan found some dicey transactions

One central issue: was McCray a farmer??

McCray indicted in February

On May 1, McCray convicted of federal mail fraud

He lost his farm, the bank was closed, and McCray went to prison

The stock farm liquidation sale netted $49,000

And back at the Klan. . . .

D.C. Stephenson was the Grand Dragon of the Indiana Klan

. . considered to be the most powerful Klan leader in the Midwest

Stephenson got entangled in an affair that led to his murdering his paramour

He was subsequently convicted of murder

And at that point, he started telling tales--and the Klan's short reign quickly evaporated

IV. Jasper County

The local newspapers are filled with stories about the Klan

Now, a question about the history of the fair. . .


This would place the first fair in 1922!!

But was the 1923 fair held as implied in the piece?

NO mention of it in the 1923 Democrat!!

Some county scenes

Thank you!!