Week 3

Please sit on the right half of the room


Dynamic Analysis


Static Triage

$ man <tool name>
$ xxd <filename>
$ file <filename>
$ strings <filename>
$ nm -D <filename>
$ readelf <filename>
$ objdump -d -M intel --disassemble=<name>

Dynamic Triage

  • Profiling: Tracking performance-related aspects like function call frequency and execution time
  • Runtime Monitoring: Observing program execution in real-time, often by instrumenting the executable
  • Environment Introspection: Looking at the operating system for effects of the executable

How do multiple source files become a single executable?

ELF file formats:

  • Executable file
  • Shared Object file
  • Relocatable file
  • and some others
  • Executable: specifies how to load the program into a process image (remember exec and forking?)
  • Relocatable: specifies how to include it's own code and data into an Executable or Shared object. Object files waiting to be included.
  • Shared Object: Dynamic library that links with an executable on load by a linker. Think printf, Libc, stdio.h 

How do multiple source files become a single executable?

ELF file formats:

  • Executable file
  • Shared Object file
  • Relocatable file

Linker links objects with shared libraries.

These are all aspects of executables known at compile time. Additional conventions become relevant at runtime.

Aspects of the executable runtime context

  • What functionality should the OS provide to executables?
    • User executables shouldn't need to implement hardware specific functionality
    • User executables shouldn't be able to make dangerous changes to the system
  • Operating systems satisfy these requirements by distinguishing between two modes of execution
    • User mode
    • Kernel mode

User Mode vs. Kernel Mode

  • User-mode is the restricted execution environment provided by the OS
  • Kernel mode is a permissive execution mode with closer access to the hardware
  • User-mode interacts with the OS through an API

Library Calls

  • Implementation provided by a dynamic library (shared object)
  • Examples include printf(), strcpy(), strlen(), and fopen()
  • May be portable (cross-platform)
  • May be included with the operating system or provided by a user

System Calls

  • Implemented by the operating system (usually)
  • Examples include open(), read(), fork(), mmap()
  • Temporarily transitions the program from user-mode to kernel-mode
  • In practice, system calls are often made through OS-provided libraries

How do executables interact with the operating system?

This separation allows the operating system to implement file-system restrictions and similar security measures

Dynamic Analysis

$ man <tool name>
$ strace <filename>
$ ltrace <filename>

To quickly understand an executable's behavior, we can monitor these library and system calls

strace will capture system calls, and ltrace will capture library calls

Lab 1

Calling Conventions

Calling Convention Aspects

  • Argument Passing: How are arguments passed between functions? On the stack? In registers? Which registers?

  • Return Values: How are values returned from functions? On the stack? In registers? Which registers?

  • Stack Management: How is the stack referenced, grown, and shrunk?
  • Register Saving: Which registers are caller-saved vs. callee saved?


Why must we save registers?

int *foo(c,d) {
    char e;
    void *yeet = malloc(sizeof(c)*d);
    /* Stop! */
    return (int *)yeet;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int a = 5;
    int b = 7;
    char *bar = foo(a,b);
    return 0;
    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp

    sub esp, 8            ;make room
    mov ecx, [ebp + 4]    ;get c
    mov edx, [ebp + 8]    ;get d
    mov eax, 4     ;sizeof(int)    
    mul edx        ;sizeof(int)*d
    push eax       ;arg to malloc
    call malloc    
    add esp, 4     ;clean up arg
    mov [esp], eax ;store in yeet
    add esp, 8     ;clean up locals
    pop ebp

    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    push 5       ;a
    push 7       ;b
    sub esp, 4   ;bar
    mov eax, [esp + 4]      ;get b
    mov ebx, [esp + 8]      ;get a

    push ebx         ;d
    push eax         ;c
    call foo
    add esp, 8       ;clean up args  
    mov [esp], eax   ;store in bar

    add esp, 12      ;clean up locals
    mov eax, 0       ;return 0
    pop ebp


Feature x86 x86_64 ARM
Name cdecl, stdcall System V, Microsoft x64 AAPCS64
Arguments Pushed onto stack (reverse order) First 6 arguments in registers: RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9 (others on stack) First 8 arguments in registers: X0-X7 (others on stack)
Return Value EAX (integers)
ST0 (floating point)
RAX (integers)
XMM0 (floating point)
Stack Alignment 4-byte aligned 16-byte aligned 16-byte aligned
Stack Growth Downward Downward Downward
Caller-Saved Registers Others RAX, RCX, RDX, R8, R9, R10, R11 X19–X28, FP (frame pointer), LR (link register)
Callee-Saved Registers EBX, EBP, ESI, EDI RBX, RBP, RDI, RSI, RSP, R12, R13, R14, and R15, XMM0–XMM5 X0–X7, X9–X18

Comparing Conventions

x86 vs. x86_64

    push ebp                       ; Save base pointer
    mov ebp, esp                   ; Set stack frame

    mov eax, [ebp+8]               ; Get first argument (from stack)
    mov ebx, [ebp+12]              ; Get second argument (from stack)
    add eax, ebx                   ; Compute the sum

    pop ebp                        ; Restore base pointer
    ret                            ; Return to the caller

    push dword 5                   ; Push the second argument (5) on the stack
    push dword 10                  ; Push the first argument (10) on the stack
    call sum_two_numbers           ; Call the function to sum 10 and 5
    add esp, 8                     ; Clean up the stack (remove arguments)

    ; Print result using printf
    push eax                       ; Push result (in EAX) to the stack for printf
    push msg                       ; Push message format string for printf
    call printf                    ; Call printf
    add esp, 8                     ; Clean up the stack (remove arguments)

    ; Exit program
    mov eax, 1                     ; Syscall number for exit
    xor ebx, ebx                   ; Exit code 0
    int 0x80                       ; Call kernel
    mov rax, rdi                   ; First argument (in RDI)
    add rax, rsi                   ; Second argument (in RSI)
    ret                            ; Return result in RAX

    mov rdi, 10                    ; Move first argument (10) into RDI
    mov rsi, 5                     ; Move second argument (5) into RSI
    call sum_two_numbers           ; Call the function to sum 10 and 5

    ; Print result using printf
    mov rsi, rax                   ; Move result (in RAX) to RSI for printf
    mov rdi, msg                   ; Move message format string to RDI
    xor rax, rax                   ; Clear RAX (for printf's variadic convention)
    call printf                    ; Call printf

    ; Exit program
    mov rax, 60                    ; Syscall number for exit (in 64-bit)
    xor rdi, rdi                   ; Exit code 0
    syscall                        ; Call kernel


Dynamic Analysis


Dynamic Analysis

  • Sometimes execution monitoring is not enough
  • May not contain enough information about program behavior
  • Likely not detailed enough for vulnerability analysis or program exploitation
  • Malicious programs might obfuscate their behavior or use other measures to evade monitoring
  • To get a granular view into program execution, we must use a debugger (GDB, WinDBG, x64dbg, etc)


GDB but with enhancements for reverse engineering


GDB-GEF Cheat Sheet

run or r Start program execution.
break or b <location> Set a breakpoint at a function or line number.
nexti or ni Step over the current instruction (do not step into functions).
stepi or si Step into the current instruction or function.
print or p <expr> Print the value of an expression or variable.
context Display a detailed context view (registers, stack, source, etc.).
heap chunks Display all heap chunks in memory.
info registers or i r Show the values of all CPU registers.
disassemble or disas Disassemble the current function.
x/<n><fmt> <address> Examine memory at the given address.
gef memory Display memory mappings of the process.

Lab 2
