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To fulfill these requests in FIFO order requires seeking a distance of 550 tracks. Not good at all.
For most real-world schedulers, these requests are incredibly unlikely to occur in practice--but they can still happen!
For each of the following disk head schedulers, create a sequence of requests which causes the scheduler to perform worse (more track seeks) than another target scheduler. You may assume a disk with 30 tracks (# 0-30 inclusive)
HINT: For SSTF, you can have all the requests in the queue at the start. For SCAN/C-SCAN, you may need to have new requests come in while the disk is already performing other reads.
Make SSTF perform worse than FIFO
Make SCAN perform worse than SSTF
Make C-SCAN perform worse than SCAN
Head starts at 50, sequence is 12, 44, 55, 67
FIFO does 50, 12, 44, 55, 67 for a total of 93 tracks of movement
SSTF does 50, 55, 44, 67, 100, 12, 0 for 173 tracks of movement
Head starts at 0, initial sequence is 10, 20, 30. A request for 5 comes in when the head reaches 10.
SCAN does 0, 10, 20, 30, 5 for 55 tracks of movement
SSTF does 0, 10, 5, 20, 30 for 40 tracks of movement
Head starts at 30, initial sequence is 10, 20, 30. A request for 11 comes in when the head reaches 10. Disk size is 30.
C-SCAN does 30, 20, 10, RESET-30, 11 for 39 tracks of movement
SCAN does 30, 20, 10, 11, for 21 tracks of movement
For each of the following characteristics, rank the four disk head schedulers we talked about from "best" to "worst". You may issue ties if you feel it is justified.