Can use convolutions to extract information from images and re-display them.
Several functions within Processing are automatically called if they exist, when the appropriate event occurs.
External signals (keypresses, mouse movement, clicks, etc.) are turned into events by software systems.
Can you go over P0 extra credit?
Extra credit problems are far beyond the scope of what I expect you to know in this class. I'll be happy to discuss them at office hours.
Are there some sort of rules for how to choose kernel values?
There are a few rules of thumb. For example, in general, all the values should sum to one. You usually want there to be a little bit of symmetry in the kernel (e.g in edge detection, one side is negative the other).
But in practice, we've found that trying a lot of stuff seems to be the best solution.
For edge detection, are we taking the absolute value of the convolution? How do we avoid negative values?
A: It's up to you!
Is the image buffer a related concept to when we say a video is buffering?
Are there libraries that will do all this image work for us?
Yep! A buffer is just a place where data is stored. Sites like YouTube keep a buffer on the computer for video data. If the buffer is empty, the video needs to pause so that more data can be loaded into the buffer.
We say that the video is "buffering" (filling the buffer) when this happens.
Yes. If you ever wind up having to do this kind of work, do not write this code yourself! Outside of very niche cases, image processing libraries will probably do this faster than you can.
How can we change the keyCodes from UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT to 'W, 'A', 'S', 'D'?
Instead of remapping the raw key code, you should remap the action your program takes.
Do we need to call the event handlers in setup or draw?
In Processing, if you ever call an event handler yourself, something has probably gone terribly wrong and you need to rethink your design.
void mousePressed(){ }
void draw(){
// Never do this!
if (mousePressed())
Characters are a primitive data type in processing. All characters have a corresponding numeric value.
void setup(){
char letter = 'A';
// Illegal! Attempting to assign string to char
// Unlike in Python, where single and double
// quotes are always interchangeable
char letter = "A";
// Does implicit conversion from char to int
int number = letter;
What's the value of 'A'?
'A' == 1?
'A' == 26?
'A' == 42?
'A' == 99?
No natural reason to assign 'A' to a given number!
Garbled string was made by adding one to the numeric value of each character of the string "or else really bizzare bugs will start to happen."
Earliest encoding still in use today is the "American Standard Code for Information Interchange", or ASCII.
ASCII encodes each character into 8 bits.
How many total characters possible in this encoding?
Note: languages with accented characters are left out of ASCII, and many non-Western scripts are completely locked out of using ASCII.
Modern systems use Unicode, which can allow for 32-bit encodings, but is a bit of a nightmare to work with.
Data type in Processing for holding text.
Internally implemented as an array of characters, but this is not exposed to you as the user! Have to use special methods.
void setup(){
String s = "Hello there!";
// Like before, we cannot mix string and char
// initializations. These lines are both illegal.
String x = 'howdy';
String z = 'z';
// While strings are internally arrays of
// chars, Processing intentionally hides
// this from you. This line is illegal.
char s3 = s[3];
We can call methods on strings. These work similarly to Python: you put a dot and then the method name, followed by any arguments.
String s1 = "Hello!";
String s2 = " there";
String s3 = "a-nope-rope";
int x1 = s1.length(); // No arguments
boolean b1 = s3.startsWith("a-nope"); // One argument
char c1 = s2.charAt(3); // One argument
What are the values of x1, b1, and c1?
Return Type
Counts the number of characters in the string
True if s starts with the string a1
True if s ends with the string a1
Returns the a1-th character of s (replaces indexing)
Returns the specified substring of s
Returns a copy of s with all elements lowercase
Returns a copy of s with all elements uppercase
Checks equality with target string
What's the difference between these two lines?
s1 == s2;
String s = “Hello World”;
String[] subwords = split(s, ‘ ‘);
//subwords = [Hello, World]
String s1 = "Hello" + " world";
String[] parts = {"Hello", " world"};
String s2 = join(parts, "");
Note: free functions, not string methods!
For now, we'll focus on reading from .txt files.
Remember that your file has to be within a data
We can use loadStrings() to load an entire file.
What is the result in lines
String[] lines = loadStrings("my_text_file.txt");
We can write files all at once, or in small chunks.
String[] output = /* Some sort of initialization */;
saveStrings("my_output_file.txt", output)
PrintWriter output;
void setup() {
output = createWriter(“outputPositions.txt”);
void draw() {
output.println(“(” + mouseX + “, ” + mouseY + “)”);
void keyPressed() {
or println()
class to print out each word on its own line into a file "words.txt"98,97,110,97,110,97,115
(and a bit of a hobby of mine, though one that I'm not good at)
Uncial -> Insular
Carolingian -> Humanist -> Times
Majuscule and miniscule
Design principles have shifted to readability, conveyance of emotion, etc.
More than just font choice!
Characters available in a given typeface.
Available glyphs will change based on the language the font is designed for (fonts designed for German tend not to be good at displaying Korean).
Also includes numbers, special characters, and (sometimes) emoji.
Often said that serif/sans-serif influences readability in certain conditions.
The kerning on this slide editor's code layout has always annoyed me!
Alight-left and align-right used for LTR and RTL languages, respectively.
Centered alignment aligns the text to the middle of the region.
Justified alignment aligns both ends of the text.
Avoids paragraph rag, but can create spacing issues in the middle. Syllabus PDF is justified alignment.
Made by specifying the shape of each letter instead of which pixels are colored in.
Can use TrueType (.ttf) or newer OpenType (.otf) from within Processing
We can display all fonts available on a machine with the following code:
String[] fontlist = PFont.list();
There can be a lot!
Once we know the font we want to use, we have to load it into a format that Processing can understand.
PFont f = createFont("orya", 22);
Then set the font to use.
PFont font;
void setup() {
size(100, 100);
font = createFont("Courier", 32);
void draw() {
text("Hello", 0, 32);
sets spacing between lines of texttextAlign()
sets text alignment to LEFT
, or RIGHT
sets text sizetextWidth()
calculates the width of a char or String, in pixels