Christopher Makler
Stanford University Department of Economics
Econ 50: Lecture 9
Think about maximizing each of these functions subject to the constraint \(0 \le x \le 10\).
Plot the graph on that interval; then find and plot the derivative \(f'(x)\) on that same interval.
Which function(s) reach their maximum in the domain [0, 10] at a point where \(f'(x) = 0\)?
Recall: from Monday
Sufficient conditions for an interior optimum characterized by \(f'(x)=0\) with constraint \(x \in [0,10]\)
Better to produce
more good 1
and less good 2.
Better to produce
more good 2
and less good 1.
These forces are always true.
In certain circumstances, optimality occurs where MRS = MRT.
Optimal bundle contains
strictly positive quantities of both goods
Optimal bundle contains zero of one good
(spend all resources on the other)
If only consume good 1: \(MRS \ge MRT\) at optimum
If only consume good 2: \(MRS \le MRT\) at optimum
What would Lagrange find...?
What would Lagrange find...?
Remember: the Lagrange method finds the point along the PPF where the MRS equals the MRT.
Set MRS = MRT:
Plug into PPF:
What would Lagrange find...?
What would the Lagrange method find for the optimal quantity of fish, \(x_1^*\)?
You: Lagrange, I'd like you to find me a maximum please.
Lagrange: Here you go.
You: but that has a negative quantity of good 1! That's impossible!
Lagrange will only find you
the point along the mathematical description of the constraint where the slope of the constraint is equal to the slope of the level set of the objective function passing through that point.
It doesn't care about your petty insistence on positivity.
Discontinuities in the MRS
(e.g. Perfect Complements utility function)
Discontinuities in the MRT
(e.g. homework question with two factories)
What are some bundles that give the same utility as (4,8)?
What is the MRS at (4,8)? What about in the other place where the indifference curve intersects the PPF?
Here are some more indifference curves.
Where is the optimal bundle?
How can we solve for the optimal bundle?
If preferences are nonmonotonic,
you might be satisfied consuming something within the interior of your feasible set.
If preferences are nonconvex,
the tangency condition might find a minimum rather than a maximum.
avoids a satiation point within the constraint
At the left corner of the constraint, \(MRS > MRT\)
avoids a corner solution when \(x_1 = 0\)
Monotonicity (more is better)
At the right corner of the constraint, \(MRS < MRT\)
avoids a corner solution when \(x_2 = 0\)
MRS and MRT are continuous as you move along the constraint
avoids a solution at a kink
ensures FOCs find a maximum, not a minimum
Convexity (variety is better)