Christopher Makler
Stanford University Department of Economics
Econ 51: Lecture 2
Part 1: Exchange Optimization
Part 2: Comparative Statics
The endowment budget line
Optimal choice with a constant price
Different prices for buying and selling
Optimization at general prices
Gross demand and net demand
Net demand and net supply
Applications: Labor Supply, Intertemporal Choice, Risk and Uncertainty
Suppose you were indifferent between the following two bundles:
Starting at bundle X,
you would be willing
to give up 4 bananas
to get 2 apples
Let apples be good 1, and bananas be good 2.
Starting at bundle Y,
you would be willing
to give up 2 apples
to get 4 bananas
Visually: the MRS is the magnitude of the slope
of an indifference curve
Consumer starts with money,
can buy a bundle of goods.
Consumer starts with a bundle,
can trade one good for another
Straight trade/barter
Sell some of one good for money,
use the money to buy the other good
Good 1
Good 2
Note: lots of different notation for the endowment bundle!
Varian uses \(\omega\), some other people use \(x_1^E\)
Suppose you'd like to move from that endowment to some other bundle X
You start out with some endowment E
This involves tradingΒ some of your good 1 to get some more good 2
Good 1
Good 2
If you can't find someone to trade good 1 for good 2 directly, you could sellΒ some of your good 1 and use the money to buy good 2.
Suppose you sell \(\Delta x_1\) of good 1 at price \(p_1\). How much money would you get?
Suppose you wanted to buy \(\Delta x_2\) of good 2 at price \(p_2\). How much would that cost?
Good 1
Good 2
If the amount you get from selling good 1 exactly equals the amount you spend on good 2, then
monetary value of \(E\)
at market prices
monetary value of \(X\)
at market prices
(Basically: you can afford any bundle with the same monetary value as your endowment.)
Good 1
Good 2
If you sell all your good 1 for \(p_1\),
how much good 2 can you consume?
If you sell all your good 2 for \(p_2\),
how much good 1 can you consume?
If \(x_1 = 0\):
If \(x_2 = 0\):
Good 1
Good 2
Liquidation value of your endowment
Divide both sides by \(p_2\):
Divide both sides by \(p_1\):
In other words: the endowment budget line is just like a normal budget line,
but the amount of money you have is the liquidation value of your endowment.
Divide both sides by \(p_2\):
Divide both sides by \(p_1\):
The budget line only depends on the price ratio \({p_1 \over p_2}\),
not the individual prices.
What happens if the price of good 1 doubles?
What happens if both prices double?
Bob has an endowment of (8,8) and can buy and sell goods 1 and 2. What happens to his endowment budget line if the price of good 1 decreases? You may select more than one answer.
Optimization problem with money
Optimization problem with an endowment
Procedure is exactly the same - we just have a different equation for the budget constraint.
Bob has the endowment (8,8) and the utility function $$u(x_1,x_2)=x_1x_2$$If he faces prices \(p_1 = 10\) and \(p_2 = 5\), what is his optimal choice?
Indifference curve is steeper
than the budget constraint
Can increase utility by
moving to the right
along the budget constraint
Indifference curve is flatter
than the budget constraint
Can increase utility by
moving to the left
along the budget constraint
Good 1
Good 2
Suppose Alison has the endowment (12,2) and the utility function $$u(x_1,x_2)=x_1x_2$$ If the price of good 2 is 6, for what price of good 1 will she be willing to sell some of her good 1?Β
If you sell all your tickets,
how much money will you have?
If you spend all your money on additional tickets, how many tickets will you have?
Suppose you have 40 tickets and $1200.
Slope = \(p^{\text{sell}}\) = $25/ticket
Slope = \(p^{\text{buy}}\) = $60/ticket
You can sell tickets for $25 each,
or buy additional tickets for $60 each.
The total quantity of a good
you want to consume (i.e. end up with)
at different prices.
The transactionΒ you want to engage in
(the amount you want to buy or sell)
at different prices.
Is this positive or negative?
Positive: you are a net demanderΒ of good 1.
Negative: you are a net supplierΒ of good 1.
The endowment budget lineΒ depends only on the price ratio, not on individual prices.
Whether you're a net demander or supplier depends on the relationship between the price ratioΒ and the MRS at the endowment.
"Good 1" = time
"Good 2" = money
Working:Β selling time for money
"Good 1" = money in the present
"Good 2" = money in the future
Saving:Β selling current money to
get more money in the future
Borrowing:Β selling future money to get more money in the present
"Goods" =
money in different
"states of the world"
Trading:Β betting, investing, insurance
Leisure (R)
Consumption (C)
You trade \(L\) hours of labor for some amount of consumption, \(\Delta C\).Β
You start with 24 hours of leisure and \(M\) dollars.
You end up consuming \(R = 24 - L\) hours of leisure,
and \(C = M + \Delta C\) dollars worth of consumption.
Leisure (R)
Consumption (C)
You sell \(L\) hours of labor at wage rate \(w\).
You start with 24 hours of leisure and \(M\) dollars.
You earn \(\Delta C = wL\) dollars in addition to the \(M\) you had.
...and you consume \(R = 24 - L\) hours of leisure.
Leisure (R)
Consumption (C)
This is just an endowment budget line
Preferences are over the two "good" things: leisureΒ and consumption
We've just derived the budget constraint in terms of leisure and consumption as well:
Maximize utility as usual, with one caveat:
you can only sellΒ your leisure time, not buy it.
Remember: you only want to sell good 1 (in this case, your time) if