Misuse Resistant Code

... a programming language designer should be responsible for the mistakes that are made by the programmers
-  Tony Hoare

# Your crypto API
def encrypt(msg: bytes, key: bytes, nonce: bytes) -> bytes:
    pass # impl
# Consumer code
def main() -> None:
    nonce = make_nonce() # cryptographic nonce
    key = get_key() # load up the key
    encrypt(b"message A", key, nonce)  # encrypt, hooray
    encrypt(b"message B", key, nonce)  # nonce reuse :(

class Nonce:
    def __init__() -> None:
        self.__nonce: Optional[bytes] = make_nonce()
    def get_nonce() -> bytes:
    	if self.__nonce is None:
            raise ValueError("Attepted to reuse nonce! This is a bug!")
        nonce = self.__nonce
        self.__nonce = Nonce
        return nonce

def encrypt(msg: bytes, key: bytes, nonce: Nonce) -> bytes:
    # in our crypto library we can ensure that 
    # we're very careful with the raw value
    raw_nonce = nonce.get_nonce()
    raise NotImplemented
def main() -> None:
    nonce = Nonce() # cryptographic nonce
    key = get_key() # load up the key
    encrypt(b"message A", key, nonce)  # encrypt, hooray
    # Runtime error! Better than a crypto failure
    encrypt(b"message B", key, nonce)


Affine Types (a little rust)

pub struct Nonce {
    inner_nonce: Vec<u8>,

impl Nonce {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
    	return Nonce { inner_nonce: unimplemented!() }
    # private method - can't be accessed outside of our crypto module!
    fn unchecked_get(self) -> Vec<u8> { return self.inner_nonce }

# Note that `nonce` is not passed in by value, it is *moved* into
# this function - it can't be accessed afterwards by the caller
pub fn encrypt(msg: &[u8], key: &[u8], nonce: Nonce) -> Vec<u8> {
    let nonce = nonce.unchecked_get(); # Be careful with the raw value!

fn main() {
    let nonce = Nonce::new();
    let key = &b"very safe key!"[..];
    encrypt(&b"Message A", &key, nonce); // Encrypts, yay
    encrypt(&b"Message B", &key, nonce); // Compile time error!

Refinement Types

# Implicit constraint: the user has a valid session
def disable_mfa(username: str) -> None:
def handle_request(request: Request) -> Response:
    # We forgot to check if the user is actually logged in
    if request.path == "/disable_mfa":

Refinement Types

class User:
    def from_request(request: Request) -> User:
    def as_logged_in_user(self) -> Optional[LoggedInUser]:
        return LoggedInUser.try_from_user(self)
class LoggedInUser:
    def try_from_user(user: User) -> Optional[LoggedInUser]:
		if !self.is_logged_in(): return None
        ... # construct

# Explicit constraint: the user has a valid session
def disable_mfa(user: LoggedInUser) -> None:
def handle_request(request: Request) -> Response:
    # We forgot to check if the user is actually logged in
    if request.path == "/disable_mfa":
        user = User.from_request(request)
        if logged_in_user := user.as_logged_in_user():
            return 403

Session Types: Affine + Refinement

|connection established|
|          server greeting             |
   || (1)       || (2)        || (3)
   \/           ||            ||
+-----------------+    ||            ||
|Not Authenticated|    ||            ||
+-----------------+    ||            ||
|| (7)   || (4)       ||            ||
||       \/           \/            ||
||     +----------------+           ||
||     | Authenticated  |<=++       ||
||     +----------------+  ||       ||
||       || (7)   || (5)   || (6)   ||
||       ||       \/       ||       ||
||       ||    +--------+  ||       ||
||       ||    |Selected|==++       ||
||       ||    +--------+           ||
||       ||       || (7)            ||
\/       \/       \/                \/
|               Logout                 |
|both sides close the connection|

Session Types: Affine + Refinement

struct SomeState {}
struct NewState {}
impl SomeState {                 // ↱ Our successful or unsuccessful state transition
  fn transition(self) -> Result<NewState, SomeState> { ... }
               // ↳consumes self

Session Types: Affine + Refinement

struct IMAPClient {}

impl IMAPClient {
    fn new() -> Self {unimplemented!()}
    fn connect(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {unimplemented!()}
    fn login(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {unimplemented!()}
    fn select(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {unimplemented!()}
    fn authenticate(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {unimplemented!()}
    fn logout(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {unimplemented!()}
fn main() {
    let mut client = IMAPClient::new();
    client.select(); // this makes no sense - we aren't authenticated!

Session Types: Affine + Refinement

struct IMAPClient {}  

struct Initial {
  connection: IMAPClient

struct UnAuthenticated {
  connection: IMAPClient

struct Authenticated {
  connection: IMAPClient

struct Selected {
  connection: IMAPClient

struct LoggedOut {
  connection: IMAPClient

Session Types: Affine + Refinement

impl Initial {
  fn connect(self) -> Result<UnAuthenticated, (Initial, Error)> {

impl UnAuthenticated {
  fn login(self) -> Result<Authenticated, (UnAuthenticated, Error)> {

  fn logout(self) -> Result<Logout, (UnAuthenticated, Error)> {

Session Types: Affine + Refinement

use imap::{Initial};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let client = Initial::init();
    let client = match client.connect() {
        Ok(client) => client,
        Err((_client, error)) => {
            panic!("failed to connect with {:#?}", error);
    let client = match client.login() {
        Ok(client) => client,
        Err((_client, error)) => {
            panic!("failed to login with {:#?}", error);
    // etc

Dependent Types

class Matrix:
    def __init__(self, x, y) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.values = [0] * x * y
    def multiply(self, other: Matrix) -> Matrix:
        if self.x != other.y:
            raise ValueException("Matrix multiplication invariant violated")
 def main():
     matrix_a = Matrix(2, 4)
     matrix_b = Matrix(3, 7)
     matrix_c = matrix_a.multiple(matrix_b) # runtime error

Dependent Types

class Matrix[X: int, Y: int]:
    def __init__(self, x, y) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.values = [0] * x * y
    def multiply[N: int](self, other: Matrix[Y, N]) -> Matrix[X, N]:
 def main():
     matrix_a = Matrix(2, 4)
     matrix_b = Matrix(4, 7)
     # Compile time checks that the matrices can be multiplied
     matrix_d: Matrix[2, 7] = matrix_a.multiple(matrix_b)

Dependent Types

class Matrix[X: int, Y: int]:
    def __init__(self, x, y) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.values = [0] * x * y
    def append_rows[N: int](self, other: Matrix[N, Y]) -> Matrix[X + N, Y]:
 def main():
     matrix_a = Matrix(2, 5)
     matrix_b = Matrix(4, 5)
     matrix_d: Matrix[6, 5] = matrix_a.append_rows(matrix_b)

Dependent Types + Type Narrowing

class Matrix[X: int, Y: int]:
    def __init__(self, x, y) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.values = [0] * x * y
    def append_rows[N: int](self, other: Matrix[N, Y]) -> Matrix[X + N, Y]:
    def check_for_append[A: int, B: int](self, other: Matrix[A, B]) -> Optional[Matrix[A, Y]]:
    	if self.y == other.y:
            return other
	        return None
 def main():
     matrix_a = Matrix(2, 5)
     matrix_b: Matrix[_, _] = load_matrix_from_disk()
     if matrix_c := matrix_a.check_for_append(matrix_b):
         matrix_c: Matrix[_, 5]; # We know this type checks now
         matrix_d: Matrix[_ + 6, 5] = matrix_a.append_rows(matrix_b)

Dependent Types + Flow Typing

class Matrix[X: int, Y: int]:
    def __init__(self, x, y) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.values = [0] * x * y
    def append_rows[N: int](self, other: Matrix[N, Y]) -> Matrix[X + N, Y]:
 def main():
     matrix_a = Matrix(2, 5)
     matrix_b: Matrix[_, _] = load_matrix_from_disk()
     if matrix_b.y == matrix_a.y:  # Flow Typing
	     matrix_d: Matrix[_ + 6, 5] = matrix_a.append_rows(matrix_b)
