Modular programming is a software design technique that emphasizes separating the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules, such that each contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality
the use of individually distinct functional units, as in assembling a computer application .
node package manager
Package manager for the web
fits into a problem pattern or category
has been implemented in other domain specific ways
it's encapsulate-able
encapsulate the candidate functionality in place
identify the problem category the functionality solves
genericize the implementation
eliminate side effects
start a new git repo
`npm/bower link`
unit tests are a must
documentation in
package.json `author`, `maintainers`, and `contributors` properties
$ git init
$ git remote add origin <git-url>
~/projects/typeoOf $ npm link
~/projects/myApp $ npm link typeOf
~/projects/typeoOf $ bower link
~/projects/myApp $ bower link typeOf
describe('typeOf()', () => {
it('should return the `type` of a thing', () => {
#The Awesome `typeOf` module!
give it something and watch it return it's type.
typeOf(new Date()) // 'date' No Way!!!!
author: "Gérald Caussé <>",
maintainers: [
"Portfolio Name <>",
"Gary E. Stevenson <>",
"Gérald Caussé <>",
"Dean M. Davies <>"
contributors: [{
"name": "David A. Bednar",
"email": ""
~/projects/my-module $ yo lds-node:module
$ git tag -a v1.0.1 -m "added additional use case"
$ npm publish
$ bower register package-name git-endpoint
$ npm install <package-name> --save
$ bower install <package-name> --save