Facilities Page Process

Started off with my basic background, I already knew this was going to be my composition throughout my whole booklet. This will always be my starting point for every page I create.

Next is the title, I chose to make the most of my coloured block and situate my title there.

I feel like this fills as space as the grey block previously looked slightly bare.

I am going to be using the font the whole way through my booklet, this is so I can stick to my house style. Will become a recognisable font, it will now be linked with this booklet.

The next step was to create a line down the middle of the page, this is because the measurements on this page are slightly different as this is a double page spread. The width if 41cm rather than the 20.5 it was originally, the height is still exactly the same.

Creating this line will allow me to keep the page in proportion, I will now be able to add my images and texts on evenly rather than having pieces of text going down the spine of the booklet

I then began to add images which I had taken myself of facilities which we have around the school.

This will allow those reading to get an idea of what things around the school look like rather than me attempting to explain.

I also began to add text, this was just a brief run through of some information regarding some of the facilities we have to offer.

This is my final facilities page, this is what the overall composition of the page looks like now that it has all of the text and images included.

I feel like this page is going to be extremely useful as it can make the reader feel comfortable.

This will offer a sense of familiarity if those reading to choose to attend Post 16 as they would have seen images beforehand.