CDA Report

Surprising Setbacks

Civic Orgs: Charter for Compassion (4,000 invited – 7 show up)

Higher Ed: Purdue University (2,000 invited free of charge – 1 signs up)

Private Sector: Cisco (Green Team / NetAcad)

Key Learnings

Emotional Reality: Online fatigue is all pervasive after the pandemic


Virtual Practice: Participants expect draining non-interactive virtual spaces



Consequence: In large group spaces (work/studies) most participants only show up

for virtual events if they have to

Systemic Changes: most large systems cannot implement a significant change before they have seen proof of concept somewhere else

Inspiration: participants were inspired to engage in virtual events if it was associated with invitations by podcasts we partner with

The Way Forward

Identifying strategic organisations: support organisations that are under pressure to deliver (e.g. Glasswing serving 9M people in next 5 years)

Providing Free Tools: offering them free programs, multimedia and the Webex Events platform to help innovators and to start piloting without friction and hold ups

Supporting their innovators: serving the early adaptors within each organisation

Inspirational Media Partners: partnering with 10 podcasts and Netflix to inspire students to participate in programs

The Way Forward (cont.)

Visible Outcomes: making the specific gains visible for each target group (e.g. teamwork for corporations’ HR departments; Purdue University offering credits; CfC leaders building community around a purposeful cause)

Scaling Hybrid Events: to harness the strengths and tackle the challenges of virtual and face-to-face events (e.g. intercultural Watch Parties)

Impacting Sectors: Purdue University is a leader in the field of global learning and invests into this program (hiring staff) in order to model to the entire sector this methodology solving a major dilemma.