CDA Pitch

To create the Hybrid Campus

Higher Education


1.Employability Skills

(e.g. Communication, Teamwork, Emotional Intelligence)

2.Wellbeing Skills and Character Strengths

(e.g. Resilience, Empathy, Authenticity)

3.Intercultural and Diversity Skills

(e.g. Openness, Wider Perspective)

Interactive group work is essential for supporting students

to develop core skills in areas such as:


1.Employability Skills

(e.g. Communication, Teamwork, Emotional Intelligence)

2.Wellbeing Skills and Character Strengths

(e.g. Resilience, Empathy, Authenticity)

3.Intercultural and Diversity Skills

(e.g. Openness, Wider Perspective)

Interactive group work is essential for supporting students

to develop core skills in areas such as:

Higher Education


1.Employability Skills

(e.g. Communication, Teamwork, Emotional Intelligence)

2.Wellbeing Skills and Character Strengths

(e.g. Resilience, Empathy, Authenticity)

3.Intercultural and Diversity Skills

(e.g. Openness, Wider Perspective)

Interactive group work is essential for supporting students

to develop core skills in areas such as:


1.Employability Skills

(e.g. Communication, Teamwork, Emotional Intelligence)

2.Wellbeing Skills and Character Strengths

(e.g. Resilience, Empathy, Authenticity)

3.Intercultural and Diversity Skills

(e.g. Openness, Wider Perspective)

Interactive group work is essential for supporting students

to develop core skills in areas such as:

Higher Education


1. Employability Skills

2. Wellbeing and Resilience

3. Global Learning and Inclusivity

Interactive group work is essential for supporting learners

to develop core skills in areas such as:


1. Employability Skills

2. Wellbeing and Resilience

3. Global Learning and Inclusivity

Interactive group work is essential for supporting learners

to develop core skills in areas such as:

Higher Education

Interactive group work is a key requirement for accreditation

and provides vast potentials for virtual technologies to:


Develop employability skills on scale

Build the hybrid campus

Prepare learners for the work place


Interactive group work is a key requirement for accreditation

and provides vast potentials for virtual technologies to:


Develop employability skills on scale

Build the hybrid campus

Prepare learners for the work place


Community Principles

1.We practice Curiosity + Openness

(for Ourselves and Other)

2.We practice Empathic Dialogue

(with Each Other and within Ourselves)

3.We nurture each others' Seeds of Goodness

(We practice self-reflection and trust building)

We are upholding our values by committing to:

"The Steps to Leaps program aims to enhance students'

Wellbeing, Resilience and Character Development.

The model builds on the fundamental understanding that

every student has enormous capacities for growth."

Mission Statement, Steps to Leaps, Purdue University











