Flow Skills
We sometimes think we get from A to B in a straight line.
Yet, the flow of a learning process is shaped by different elements.
Life Skills
To reach FLOW we need goals that are increasing in their challenges - yet they cannot be so large that they overwhelm us.
For Flow to occur we need a growth experience that enhances our skills - because if a challenge is too small we can get bored.
Often we hope that our life unfolds in straight, linear lines...
...and are then surprised when the realities of life meet us in curved lines.
Life Expectation
(Dream Hero: the Perfect + Infallible Star)
Life Reality
Our inner pressures of ‘perfect outcomes’ are accelerated
by social media images.
When meeting these curved realities we can support our Evolving Self through life skills such as:
Growing authenticity, accepting imperfections,
and attending challenges with courage.
Self Expectation
Life Skills
Life Hero: the Authentic + Vulnerable Person
Personal Goals
Life Skills
Flow between
and Skills
We can transform ourselves and our conditions
by practicing to FLOW between
our enhancing goals and our growing skill sets.
Life Skills
"The Steps to Leaps program aims to enhance students'
Wellbeing, Resilience and Character Development.
The model builds on the fundamental understanding that
every student has enormous capacities for growth."
Mission Statement, Steps to Leaps, Purdue University