Understanding Implicit Biases
“The human brain has 100 billion neurons,
each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons.
Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated
object in the known universe.”
Michio Kaku

The complexity of our brains allows us to develop and grow.

The human brain is wired to learn by witnessing other people.

We can learn qualities like empathy from a diverse context, but...

...but we can also pick up negative attitudes and prejudices about those different from us.

These attitudes are mostly invisible to us in our daily experiences.

For example, we don’t usually consciously choose to think more positively about the majority group.

But, the associations are all around us,and are visible
in who is honoured and who is disrespected in our context.

IMAGINE: It is estimated that we are
aware of about 2% of our emotional cognition.

Implicit biases begin early and affect our
attitudes and self-perception.

Implicit Biases are difficult to change as they are:

Mostly Unconcious