Rubik Cube

The Situation:

Three people are looking at the same object. The people say:

Person 1: "It is Blue."

                            Person 2: "It is Blue, Red and Yellow."

   Person 3: "It is Yellow"

The Reality:

All three people are correct.


What are they looking at?

30 Seconds Riddle

Group Practice:

In our small groups let us practice with awareness

to pass the 'Dialogue Cube´ to other people.

In order to get a glimpse of and be enriched by:


Other Sides & Other Colours


Luckily the world is not flat.

We all have different vantage points

and have something unique to share.

Yet, in process let us practice empathy and remember:



Colors Visible...


When Colorblind...

We all have different abilities, strengths and weaknesses.


Our Dialogue Practice

´Pass the Cube´

Cultivating Character Strengths

Deep Listening & Intentional Speaking

Curiosity & Openness

Practicing Dialogue Skills

"Be so committed to your growth

that it encourages the ones around you

​to grow as well."


Afam Uche


´Pass the Cube´