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Outdoor cultivation

The shorter growing cycle of autoflower seeds also means that they can be planted directly into outdoor cultivation systems. The short growing cycle allows for indoor growers to grow autoflowering seeds outdoors to increase the harvest yield. Unlike indoor growing, outdoor cultivation does not limit the production cycle to only the spring and fall months. Instead, outdoor growing is all year round, allowing you to grow and harvest in the months when the weather is best for that. This also makes outdoor cultivation a great option for cannabis consumers who prefer cannabis to be fresh and potent. You can grow autoflowering seeds outdoors as long as you have access to the proper set-up.


The short growing cycle of autoflower seeds also means that you can use smaller grow tents, a much lower-cost way of growing cannabis. Smaller tents are cheaper and easier to maintain, so they can help keep your growing costs low. The ability to plant your cannabis seeds directly into outdoor cultivation systems is one of the greatest benefits of autoflowering seeds, so you should definitely consider a few for your home garden.


Low-stress growing and tending.


Most autoflower cannabis strains can grow in lower-stress and light environments. As such, growers are able to spend more time working on the plant and less time at the cultivation stage. Lower-stress and light environments also mean that you are not limited to an 8-week harvest cycle. This means that you can grow your autoflower seeds until you are ready to harvest, which can save you a lot of time and money. The shorter harvest cycle also allows you to take advantage of outdoor cultivation more frequently. If you live in a climate with mild seasons, you can grow and harvest your autoflower seeds throughout the year.


The Benefits of Autoflower Cannabis Seeds are just a few of the many benefits that can be unlocked by growing autoflower seeds. We suggest that you check out our article, How to Grow Autoflower Cannabis Seeds, to get a better understanding of autoflowering cannabis seeds and how to grow them. With an exceptional harvest cycle and low-stress growth environment, these seeds can help you reach your full potential in cannabis cultivation.






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