Ghost on the JAMstack

David Darnes - Developer Advocate

Content driven static sites


Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Developer Advocate
at Ghost 👻

A couple of questions

Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

  • Who's heard of the JAMstack?

  • Who knows what Ghost is?

  • Anyone used Ghost before?

  • Anyone using Ghost right now?


Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Ghost / Working With Gatsby

Use Eleventy To Generate A Ghost Blog

API Reference

Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites


Ghost on the JAMstack - Content driven static sites

Netlify + Ghost

Ghost Integrations

Thank you

David Darnes - Developer Advocate

Questions are welcome