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Programming and Data for Policymakers
(a.k.a #code4policy)
Programming and Data for Policymakers
(a.k.a #code4policy)
Instructors: Dhrumil Mehta
Programming and Data for Policymakers
(a.k.a #code4policy)
Instructors: Aarushi Sahejpal
I co-teach this class with Dhrumil + am a data journalism professor at American University in Washington, D.C.
The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic, The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, The Center for Public Integrity, Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting
A quick look at a summary of responses to the poll
Two sections
- Section A: 10am-2pm ET
- Section B: 4pm-8pm ET
Types of Assignments
- Classwork
- Homework
- coding
- reading / slack discussion
- Project
A laptop computer
These two books (e-books available on amazon)
A can-do attitude!
This course is built with the understanding that hands-on experience with programming, data, software development and management methods, open source collaboration, and technology innovation will better prepare students to competently navigate technology projects and nuanced issues at the intersection of technology and governance than a theoretical understanding alone.
- Hands-on coding workshops
- Project
- Reading
- Discussion + Q&A with expert guest speakers
- It is not a general programming curriculum
- It is not an intro to computer science course
- It is not a specific programming language course
No prior programming experience is necessary, but the course will be rooted in programming exercises and students must be prepared for hands-on learning. Students who have no experience with topics covered may consider staying after class or coming in on the weekend for individual instruction or help with debugging code.
Want to get a head start?
Try the Python3 or JavaScript course at:
You don't plan to work at the intersection of tech and govt
You do plan to work at the intersection of tech and govt
Interruptions welcome!
If at any point you feel stuck, please either speak up or use the "NO" icon in the "Participants" panel.
If I start seeing lots of "No", I will stop and recap...
For questions, feel free to interrupt or use the hand-raised icon
In class, you'll work on your own computer.
Today, we'll stay in the web to avoid configuration drama.
Pair Programming: Designate a "driver" and a navigator. The driver shares their screen.
Look at the code and see if you can make sense of how it works.
What are the four files?
How does each type of file work?
How do they work together?
Modify the code
(Be bold and break things! -- You're just exploring right now)
Step 1: Make a small change to one of the files
Step 2: Save that change
Step 3: Refresh the browser to view the change
Step 4: Repeat
(unless you've done this before)
Pick a government agency and go check out their GitHub!
1. Go to your fork of the class site:
2. Turn on the web server