Hello,  my name is...


Dhrumil Mehta (he/him)

Associate Prof. of Journalism @ Columbia U.

Deputy Director of Tow Center

Visiting Associate Prof of Public Policy @ Harvard Kennedy School







  • Associate Prof. @ Columbia Graduate School of Journalism

  • Visiting Associate Prof. @ Harvard Kennedy School



  • Database Journalist, Politics @ FiveThirtyEight

  • Software Development Engineer @ Amazon
  • Northwestern:
    • BA in Philosophy + Minor in Cognitive Science
    • MS in Computer Science

Off the record?

Database Journalist, Politics

A day in the life

Some of the work I've done as a "Database Journalist, Politics"

Data-Driven Storytelling




Data Scraping / Cleaning


Internal Workflows



Reports Election Results


Lets readers see results that FiveThirtyEight deems unexpected

Expectations are calibrated before results ever start coming in.

Open Data


Quantitative Editing


Computationally analyzing text to better understand media and political environments.

I have a research interest in text analysis

Types of Data Stories

Counting Stuff

Identify a Phenomenon

Identify a Phenomenon

Debunk or Justify Conventional Wisdom

Huge Data Dump

Election Results

Answer a question with data

Support/Oppose a hypothesis

Data-Driven Profile

The Rare Datapoint

Lack of Data

Data driven investigative work

Data driven investigative work

Provide relevant context

Build our own dataset

  • With Code / Scrapers
  • By Hand
  • By Survey Tool

Archiving Data

Explain Calculations

Use Innovative Methodology

Use data to inform traditional reporting

Reporting on Forecasts/Models

Whether we show the chances in percentages or odds, this is the portion of an election forecast that is most anticipated — and has the most potential to be misunderstood. In 2016, we aimed for simplicity, both visually and conceptually. In 2018, we leaned into the complexity of the forecast. For 2020, we wanted to land somewhere in between. 

Reporting on Forecasts

Communicating Uncertainty



