INF313 F21W22

Think Slowly

Flow and Modularity

FLOW01 PC2FC Draw a well-formed flowchart that implements a given fragment of pseudocode.  

FLOW01 PC2FC Draw a well-formed flowchart that implements a given fragment of pseudocode.  

FLOW02 FC2PC Write the pseudocode that's represented by a well-formed flowchart.  

FLOW03 FC2PC Be able to take a plain language description of a process and convert to pseudocode and flowchart.  

FLOW04 Critique Be able to take a plain language description of a process and convert to pseudocode and flowchart.  

FLOW05 FC and stepwise refinement.  Able to draw flowcharts at different levels of abstraction for the same problem.  

FLOW06 FC and blackboxes/modularity.   (related to FLOW05) Your flowchart practice includes careful closing of each modular structure with circles, etc.Understand how modularity can be illustrated as "surgery" on flowcharts.



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