HomeBrewing &

Beer Appreciation

Learn to make beer & love it more

Wild Parrot - Owner

John Jackson


How to Brew

John Palmer

Experimental Brewing

Drew Beechum


Home Brewing

The Whys and Hows


An absolutely 100% legal way to spend an afternoon better understand beer.

Why Brew

  • A practical act of creation without the birdhouse problem
  • Physical, not virtual
  • Connection to over 12,000 years of human practice and celebration

What Do You Need

  • A stove
  • A pot
  • A spoon
  • A bucket
  • Malt, hops, yeast
  • Patience patience

Your First Batch

  • Don't get "crazy"
  • Extract is not bad
  • Beer happens regardless of mistakes
  • Your job is to get it over the finish line

The Basic Process

  • Mash/Steep: Create Barley Sugar 
  • Boil: Concentrate, Add Hops, Sanitize
  • Chill: Cool to add yeast 
  • Ferment: Let the yeast do their thing
  • Package: Bottle/Keg and get ready to...
  • Drink....

Ways to Brew

  • Extract Only: Simplicity defined
  • Extract with Grains: Flexible
  • All-Grain: Supremely Flexible
    • ​Brew in A Bag: Cheap and Easy
    • All-In-One: Controllable
    • Cooler / Kettles: DIY Heaven

Key Tips For All Brewers

  • Cleanliness/Sanitation
  • Vital Yeast
  • "Clean" Water
  • Temperature Control

It Goes From Simple to OMG

  • More fermentation control
  • Obsessing about water
  • More gear
  • Kegerators, chillers, etc

How We Brew

  • Drew - Grainfather All in One
  • John Palmer - Anvil All in One
  • John Jackson - Igloo Cooler / Pot 
    • And how that plays out here...

Beer Appreciation

Let's Drink!

  • Doug Days of Summer

  • Macik

  • Also Cute

The Beers

  • Sniff, Swirl, Sniff, Drink, Think

  • Use concrete images that make sense

  • Everyone can taste - it's just tying the words with the sensation

How to Taste

  • American Lager - 5.1%
    • Pale lager with adjunct (rice/corn)
    • Very low hop character
    • Cold/Crisp - Down for Summer

Doug Days Of Summer

  • Czech Dark Lager (tmavý ležák)- 4.7%
  • Malty, rich, but with a dry finish


  • West Coast Pilsner - 5.8%
  • A hybrid style of American hop expression in a lager.
  • Clean expression of hops because it's not competing with the yeast

Also Cute

And Now The questions...

Or Stories...

or beer.

  • Books
    • How to Brew by John Palmer
    • Simple Homebrewing by Drew
  • Later Books
    • Brewing Classic Styles, Water by John Palmer
    • Experimental Homebrewing by Drew
  • Podcasts
    • John: The Brewing Network
    • Drew: Experimental Brewing
  • Homebrew Clubs
    • Yeastside Brewers (https://yeastsiderbrewers.org)
    • Maltose Falcons (https://maltosefalcons.com)

Learning More

  • Local
    • Pacific Brewing Supplies - San Dimas
    • Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop - Woodland Hills
    • Tavern Services - Northridge
    • Steinfillers - Long Beach
    • South Bay Brewing - Torrance
    • Windsor Homebrew - Costa Mesa/Anaheim
  • Online
    • MoreBeer morebeer.com
    • Williams Brewing williamsbrewing.com
    • Northern Brewer northernbrewer.com

Getting Supplies