Drew Beechum, Grand Hydrometer - Maltose Falcons
Please mute your mic if you're not talking!
Water makes up 95% of your beer.
Ok, maybe 85% for Beanie
It is the base for your beer, make it work for you
Do you absolutely need to do all of this to make beer? No, but it helps make good beer great!
Dr. John Snow, a London based physician who theorized in the 1840's that disease was caused by something other than "miasmas".
proved it by stopping an 1854 Cholera outbreak by closing down a single well.
If you've ever tasted medicine, plasticky, band-aidy flavors in your beer - welcome to the party - or maybe you just really like Scotch
from LA DWP
varies over the year and area in the city
Valley: Aqueduct, Ground, MWD
Amount | |
Calcium | 41 ppm |
Magnesium | 16 ppm |
Sodium | 68 ppm |
Sulfate | 121 ppm |
Chloride | 70 ppm |
Bicarbonate | 145 ppm |
pH | 8.05 |
Alkalinty | 97 ppm |
Ward Labs Brewer's Report for Pasadena in December
overall, a pretty nominal water. Sodium is a bit high
not making a pilsner out of it without dilution, though
By the way this varies - Ogopogo Example
from John Aitchison
charcoal filtered
major source for the Valley
Mineral | Amount |
Calcium | 24 ppm |
Magnesium | 0 ppm |
Sodium | 50 ppm |
Sulfate | 42 ppm |
Chloride | 70 ppm |
Bicarbonate | 106 ppm |
These are the players we're most concerned about
all adjustment amounts are approximate
be aware that mineral salts come in different types. Make sure you've got the right stuff!
and if I catch you using 5.2, I will give you stern disapproving looks.
Palmers App for your cell phone (and he has a spread sheet)
For IPAs like Craig's Triple IPA
Thanks to Martin Brungard and John Palmer for making sure my lies are minimal!
Thanks to John A, Izzy A, Bruce B, Bernard L, Craig Shapland, et al for their inputs!