Making Responsive SVG Icons & Logos
In modern browsers and under normal conditions, SVG icons and logos are fully responsive if five rules are followed during design & development:
Design & build SVG icons & logos at the approximate pixel dimensions they will appear on-screen (~ 50 × 50px for icons, as needed for logos)
Ensure that your design tool is set up & used correctly. (Strokes in the middle of paths, exporting styles as CSS, boolean paths rather than superimposed layers, etc).
Similarly, draw icons at least 1px in from the edge of the viewBox to allow for browser's tendency to fractionally “bloat” SVG with anti-aliasing, which can be cut off if you draw too close to the edges.
Optimize the SVG, removing redundant code.
- Adobe Illustrator 2015.2
- Sketch Beta 3
Since SVG is a replaced element, linked CSS that doesn't load will leave an SVG element rendered at 300 × 150 by default, so icons should have fallback width and height attributes:
<a href=""> <svg class="icon" aria-label="CodePen" width="50" height="50"> <title>Codepen</title> <use xlink:href="#codepen" /> </svg> </a> <svg style="display: none;"> <symbol id="codepen" viewBox="0 0 50 50"> <path d="…"/> </symbol> </svg>
Deal with Internet Explorer (this will take awhile…)
Hot take for logos:
If width and height attributes are removed, every modern browser assumes SVG elements (as either img or inline) are width: 100%, and automatically sets height proportionally.
That is, except for IE
In IE9 - 11, the browser sets the height of the SVG <img> to its replaced default (150px), and its width to 100%, distorting the image.
To fix:
Write a CSS rule to impose the standard approach on IE:
img[src$=".svg"] { width: 100% }
img { width: 100% }
(or, safer…)
However… inline SVG is different
It requires a container element and a "padding hack"
Why inline SVG?
- Save an HTTP request
- Direct access to SVG elements
<div class="svg-container"> <svg viewBox="0 0 500 500" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"> <path d="…" /> </svg> </div>
This SVG is square (width equal to height) so the padding amount will be 100%:
.svg-container { display: block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 100%; vertical-align: middle; }
Then the SVG within it uses the absolute-in-relative trick:
.svg-container svg {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
More tips for icons and logos:
In SVG stroke thickness automatically scales with image size. While this is often appropriate, sometimes (such as strokes on UI elements or text) it shouldn't:
path { stroke-width: 4; vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; }
Consider adaptive logos:
Responsive design is not just about making things smaller; it is about presenting appropriate content at all viewport sizes.
“Traditionally” this was one with SVG sprites: moving an SVG image of multiple drawings in a fixed space to show one at a time.
While this technique remains entirely possible, it necessitates a lot of duplication (and associated large file size). Instead, I'd encourage designers to consider adaptive designs: using media queries to directly affect SVG elements, changing them as needed.
(, as one example)
Interestingly, media queries can be placed inside the SVG itself, allowing to you create independent element queries for SVG documents that are inserted as <img> tags, <object>, or background images.
<svg xmlns="…2000/svg" viewBox="14 82 272 139">
@media all and (max-width: 200px) {
#drink, #coke { opacity: 0; }
…the difference being that media queries placed inside an SVG respond to the current width of the SVG, not the viewport: they can't "look outside" the <img> context. This can be an advantage, but requires a slightly different mindset to execute well.
Making Responsive Hero Text
vw units can be used to size hero text, but the current lack of "clamping" for font-size in CSS means extra media queries. Alternatively, use SVG (especially inline, due to accessibility)
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 285 80">
<text x="0" y="66">Kauai</text>
header { width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; }
svg text {
font-family: sans-serif;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-weight: 900;
fill: blue;
Other recent experiments:
The Future:
SVG 2 (
- expected to be taken on by browsers much as HTML5 / ES6 / new CSS Modules were: version-less, incremental evolution
- in some respects, simpler syntax, closer integration: no more namespacing links, for example.
- mesh gradients will create broader use of SVG in responsive, “photo-real” illustrations.