PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation, using GIS
SpWind - PhD Spatiotemporal Wind model III
Once the grid has been chose there is four phase process to creating a generation timeseries
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation, Phase 1: GIS analysis of available land
Phase 2 & 3 : Allocate capacity to available high quality areas
Using National Grid Energy Scenarios (circa 2012)
Allocate these to land identified in previous slide, where wind quality is good.
Phase 4 : Wind Simulation - Past and Present Research
Simulating generation from wind turbines has evolved from station data to reanalysis data
Phase 4 : Wind Simulation Fundamentals
Simulating or estimating generation relies on a 3 step fundamental process, details will comein the following model examples
SpWind - PhD Spatiotemporal Wind model
GB only, CFSR driven, gridded model of wind generation for scenario disaggregation
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
MERRA driven, wind farm specific, Global Capacity factor timeseries derivation
SpWind - PhD Spatiotemporal Wind model II
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
ESTIMO_wind - RESTLESS wind simulation
Method improvements
Factors not incorporated in model
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation - analysis and visualisation using Python
Matplotlib 3d wireframes, animated using a video editor
SpWind - PhD outputs
Hourly variability in wind generation, electricity demand and residual demand. Matplotlib and ArcGIS
Increased variability in both scenarios, higher capacity factors throughout the later in years under Gone Green on the left, especially in the colder months.
Predictable variability under both scenarios for all years. Little evidence of the impact of heat pumps on the temporal patterns of electricity demand.
The Gone Green scenario experiences greater variability as a result of more wind capacity, particularly offshore.
Wind Generation
Electricity Demand
Residual Demand
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation - analysis and visualisation using Python
Hourly variability in residual demand - matplotlib images (adapted)
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation - analysis and visualisation using Python
See Sinden (2007) for original method
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation - analysis and visualisation using Python
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation - analysis and visualisation using Python
Blog: Animated maps of renewable energy modelling
PhD: Gridded modelling of wind generation - animated output
Solar generation
MERRA driven, gridded, global capacity factor timeseries derivation
*legion required again
Module - Global PV simulation
Simulated monthly mean global capacity factors using 1980 meteorology
Solar generation - global hourly capacity factors using 1980 meteorology
Solar generation
Blog: Animated maps of renewable energy capacity
Blog: Animated maps of renewable energy capacity
Animated map of historical wind capacity
ArcGIS mapping, Python plotting and a video editor
DEFRA Gridded background pollution projections
The 5 worst polluted areas in the country
GB Boroughs ranked by background NOx pollution : 2011 - 2010
Gridded Air Pollution
Gridded Air Pollution
The London Atmospheric Emissions inventory provide data on background air pollution on a 20 m grid
Roadside air pollution
SpWind - PhD SpDEAM - Spatiotemporal demand model
PhD: Demand modelling necessitates more data harmonisation
Very few datasets are in the correct framework, therefore considerable work done harmonising to grid. ArcGIS outputs.
SpWind - PhD SpDEAM
SpWind - PhD SpDEAM
Extending the Estimation of energy demand to non domestic
Mastermap vs. Openstreetmap
LIDAR point cloud to building extrusion - UCL
Lidar data continued
There are LIDAR derived building height datasets available from EMU analytics, or the raw data from the environment agency
SpWind - PhD SpDEAM
Gridded population data
Population data
Population data
Much of the analysis done on datasets which include geotagging is essentially population mapping, albeit at a potentially high temporal resolution, for example google location services
Here a Python mapping modules were used to show all of the location data my phone collected (before I turned it off, because it is creepy)
Minor roads - Birmingham
Major roads - Birmingham
Provide an overview of the different types of data, strengths and weakness, access and usage. For more detail see knowledge_base.doc which includes links, which are also provided at the end of this presentation
Choosing Historical Meteorological Data
Met Mast Data
For academic projects in GB the Met Office Integrated Data Archive System (MIDAS) Land and Marine Surface Stations Data (1853-current) database is the best choice
Offshore Buoys
If offshore sites are of interest there are data from weather stations at sea
Offshore Masts
Temporary masts are often installed at planned wind farm locations
Reanalysis Datasets
Gridded global or regional data, huge number of weather variables for up to 100 years
37 years of global data at fine(ish) spatial and and fine temporal resolution
37 years of global data at fine(ish) spatial and and fine temporal resolution
Alternative Reanalysis Datasets
Regional reanalyses provide enhanced spatial resolution, other satellite derived data are available;
Using reanalysis data - fundamentals
Reanalyis data represents a high quality record of past meteorology, this can be used to represent the future, with caution.
Where hindcasting is not appropriate, forecasted data are available at multiple scales and resolutions. Don't just add 2 degrees to reanalysis data!
Examples of visualising gridded met data
Population weighting weather data
Population weighting a gridded weather dataset is a way to get a single value for each timestep that represents the weather experienced by a subset of people, for example in a country.
Accessing and interpreting the maintained database
MERRA data on the maintained database
Links and further material
Weather Underground
Buoys Map
Buoys data
Marine Data exchange
Reanalysis general info
MERRA 2 download
Global Forecast System
NAS - see me
Methods for evaluating accuracy and variability