Modelling, analysis and visualisation of energy systems:

Ed's current and completed projects


Ed Sharp: | | @steadier_eddy



  • Broadly interested in spatial science, weather, renewables, python
  • Predominantly Python based simulation models of the GB and European electricity systems
  • Usually based on meteorological data from climate reanalyses
    • ​Gridded, modelled, historical datasets of historical weather, 30 - 50 km, hourly over 37 years
    • High degree of accuracy allows analysis of absolute generation and demand, variability and relationships between different weather driven elements of the system
  • ​Also working at different scale/resolutions with data and spatial analysis
    • City energy and environment modelling through SiCEDS with EST etc.
    • Spatial analysis of air pollution
  • PV output simulated using top of atmosphere and ground level irradiance and ground temperature data and a physical model
  • All hours from 1980 simulated for entire grid - can be aggregated using any desired geography. Similar simulation carried out for wind.

Example 1 - Global PV simulation

Simulated monthly mean global capacity factors using 1980 meteorology

  • The Stakeholder Interactive City Energy Demand Simulation tool was developed fro Birmingham and Exeter
  • Data work on Non-Domestic stationary demand, air pollution and transport
  • Team effort including the Energy Savings Trust

Example 2: City simulation

Projected Nitrogen Dioxide concentrations in London to 2030

Example 3: Spatial Analysis of roadside pollution and schools

  •  Spatial analysis describing the proximity of all schools in GB to roads where the Nitrogen Dioxide levels have been measured and modelled.
  • Used in a campaign by ClientEarth with a metric of schools within 150 m of roads exceeding the EU limit value for annual mean. Therefore likely causing health impacts.
  • Widely covered in Media. Also I got paid.

Example 4: PhD modelling of residual demand


  • Thesis available at:   
  • Blog: 
  • Sharp, E. Dodds, P. Barrett, M. and Spataru, C. Evaluating the accuracy of CFSR reanalysis hourly wind speed forecasts for the UK, using in situ measurements and geographical information. Renewable Energy, 77, 527-538. 2015.
  • Sharp, E. Spatiotemporal Disaggregation of GB Scenarios Depicting Increased Wind Capacity and Electrified Heat Demand in Dwellings. 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 2015.
  • Sharp, E. Spataru, C. Barrett, M. and Dodds, P. Incorporating building specific heat loss and associated energy demand into electricity demand models for Great Britain. Building Simulation and Optimisation UCL, London, UK, 2014.
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