On the Convergence of Smooth Regularized Approximate Value Iteration Schemes

Elena Smirnova

Joint work with Elvis Dohmatob, Criteo AI Lab

SOTA RL algorithms

like Soft Actor-Critic


1. Q-value smoothing


2. Entropy regularization


3. Neural network function approximators

In large-scale setting, approximations are omnipresent


=> errors accumulation


=> high risk of divergence

We analyse error propagation of RL algorithms with these techniques


Approximate Dynamic Programming

Approximate Modified Policy Iteration

Policy improvement    

\pi_{t+1} \leftarrow \mathcal{G}^{\epsilon'_{t+1}}(V_t)
V_{t+1} \leftarrow (\mathcal{T}^{\pi_{t+1}})^m V_t + \epsilon_{t+1}

(Partial) Policy evaluation

\(m = \infty\)  policy iteration; \(m=1\) value iteration

Scherrer et al. 2015

Approximate Modified Policy Iteration

Policy improvement    

\pi_{t+1} \leftarrow \mathcal{G}^{\epsilon'_{t+1}}(V_t)
V_{t+1} \leftarrow (\mathcal{T}^{\pi_{t+1}})^m V_t + \epsilon_{t+1}

(Partial) Policy evaluation

\(m = \infty\)  policy iteration; \(m=1\) value iteration

Scherrer et al. 2015

AMPI Error propagation

\|V^{\pi_N} - V^*\|_\infty \le \frac{2}{1-\gamma}\left( E_N + \gamma^N\|V_0-V^*\|_\infty \right)

Scherrer et al. 2015


Cumulative error

\(\gamma\) rate of convergence


1. Value Smoothing

\begin{cases} \pi_{t+1} = \mathcal{G}^{\epsilon'_{t+1}}(\tilde{V}_t) \\ V_{t+1} = \mathcal{T}^{\pi_{t+1}} V_t + \epsilon_{t+1} \\ \tilde{V}_{t+1} = \beta V_{t+1} + (1-\beta) \tilde{V}_t \end{cases}
\beta \in (0,1]

Weighted average of the value iterates

1. Value Smoothing

\mathcal{T}^\pi_\beta := \beta \mathcal{T}^\pi + (1-\beta)I
\gamma \leq \tilde{\gamma}:=\beta \gamma + (1-\beta) < 1

\(\tilde{\gamma}\) - contraction  

Does not change the fixed point!

Main tool: Smooth Bellman operator

\begin{cases} \pi_{t+1} = \mathcal{G}_{\beta}^{\beta\epsilon'_{t+1}}(V_t) \\ V_{t+1} = \mathcal{T}^{\pi_{t+1}}_\beta V_t + \beta\epsilon_{t+1} \end{cases}

1. Value Smoothing

Errors are downweighted by a factor of \(\beta\)

Slower convergence due to smaller contraction \(\tilde{\gamma} \geq \gamma\)

Increased stability 


Sensitivity to initialization / random seed

Slower convergence

\|V^{\pi_N} - V^*\|_\infty \le \frac{2}{1-\tilde{\gamma}}\left( \beta E_N + \tilde{\gamma}^N\|V_0-V^*\|_\infty \right)
\tilde{\gamma} \geq \gamma

1. Value Smoothing

Entropy-regularized Bellman operator

\mathcal{T}^\pi_\Omega := \mathcal{T}^\pi + \alpha \mathcal{H}(\pi)

2. Entropy regularization


converges to a different regularized value function

G_\Omega(V) := (softmax(Q_V(s,\cdot)))_{s \in \mathcal{S}}

Boltzmann / softmax policy

Geist et al. 2019

Main tool: Regularization gap

\Omega^*(A_V):= \mathcal{T}^{\pi^{\text{softmax}}}_\Omega V - \mathcal{T}^{\pi^{\max}} V

2. Entropy regularization

0 \leq \Omega^*(A_V(s, \cdot)) \leq \alpha\mathcal{H}(\pi^{\text{softmax}}(\cdot|s))
A_V(s,a) := Q_V(s,a) - \max Q_V(s,\cdot)

\(\Omega^*(A_V)\) = smooth maximum of action advantages

Controlled by the temperature and the entropy of softmax policy

Positive overestimation errors \(\epsilon_t > 0\) could be reduced

V_{t+1} \leftarrow \mathcal{T}^{\pi_t^{\text{softmax}}}_{\Omega} V_t + \bar{\epsilon}_{t+1}

2. Entropy regularization

\bar{\epsilon}_{t+1} = \epsilon_{t+1} - \Omega^*(A_{V_t})

Good temperature parameter matches the level of noise

Robustness to noise


Convergence to a different value function

2. Entropy regularization

\|V_{N} - V^*\|_\infty \le E_N + A_N + \gamma^N\|V_0-V^*\|_\infty
E_N:=\sum_{t=1}^{N}\gamma^{N-t} \|\epsilon_t - \Omega^*(A_{V_{t-1}})\|_\infty
A_N: = \sum_{t=1}^{N} \gamma^{N-t} \|\Omega^*(A_{V_{t-1}})\|_\infty
\epsilon_t: = V_t - \mathcal{T} V_{t-1}

3. Neural Network FA

\theta_{k+1} \leftarrow \argmin_{\theta} \|V_{\theta} - \mathcal{T}_{\Omega,\beta} V_k\|_2^2 \\ V_{k+1} \leftarrow V_{\theta_{k+1}}

Function approximation errors

V(s) := V_\theta(s)

Value network trained using gradient descent over the squared loss 

Scaling of intermediate layers to preserve the input norm

\(m_h\) is the width of layer \(h\)

3. Neural Network FA

f_\theta^{(h)}(x) = \theta^{(h)} g^{(h-1)}(x) \\ g^{(h)}(x) = \sqrt{\frac{c_\sigma}{m_h}} \sigma(f_\theta^{(h)}(x))

\(L\)-layer fully connected neural network \(f_\theta: \mathbb{R}^{m_0} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{m_L}\) with randomly initialized weights

Main tool: Value function NTK

\dot{\theta}(t) = - (\nabla_\theta V_\theta)^T (V_{\theta} - \mathcal{T}_{\Omega,\beta} V_{k}) \big|_{\theta=\theta(t)}

Full-batch gradient flow

\frac{d V_\theta}{dt} = \nabla_\theta V_\theta \dot{\theta}(t) = -K(t) (V_{\theta(t)} - \mathcal{T}_{\Omega,\beta} V_{k})

3. Neural Network FA

K(t) \stackrel{\text{a.s.}}{=} K + \mathcal O(m^{-1/2})

Jacot et al. 2018

for large \(m\)

K(s,s') = \mathbb{E}_{\theta \sim \text{init}} [ \frac{\partial V_\theta(s)}{\partial \theta}^T \frac{\partial V_\theta(s')}{\partial \theta} ]

Lee et al. 2019

Spectrum of the limiting NTK defines convergence

With sufficiently large width \(K(t) \approx K\)

3. Neural Network FA

\|V_{\theta_{k+1}} - \mathcal{T}_{\Omega,\beta}V_k\| \stackrel{\text{a.s}}{=} \mathcal O(e^{-\lambda_{\min}(K)T})

Function approximation errors vanish,

if the limiting NTK is positive definite,

for sufficiently large value network

1. Value smoothing

stability vs sensitivity to the initialization / random seed


2. Entropy regularization

reduces overestimation errors vs modifying the original problem


3. Neural network approximation

FA errors vanish, under certain conditions, at large width of the network



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