John Hawks, "Still Evolving (After All These Years)", Scientific American 311, 86 - 91 (2014)
Harvard School of Public Health
Lesser et al., 2007
Le budget de recherche des Producteurs laitiers du Canada en 2016-2017 s’est élevé à environ 2,4 millions de dollars. La valeur totale des investissements en recherche consentis par les Producteurs laitiers du Canada pour stimuler l’innovation dans l’industrie laitière canadienne a atteint plus de 10 millions de dollars. Ce financement a servi à aborder les priorités des producteurs en matière de recherche sur la production laitière, la génétique, et la nutrition et la santé humaine.
C'est le double de l'industrie des légumes (3 milliards $)
et presque autant que l'industrie des pêches et de l'aquaculture (5 milliards $).
John Webster, professor emeritus at the Bristol Veterinary School of Medicine in the United kingdom.
Abrupt and early weaning, such as occurs on the typical dairy farm, appears to be distressing for both calf and cow. The calves will engage in repetitive crying and become more active and sometimes you'll see a decline in their willingness to eat solid food.
Daniel Weary
We can't say that separation is just some instantaneous event that may be painful but doesn't bother the animal. It does bother the animal. It bothers them enough that their mood state changes for at least a couple days.
Strange noises coming from High Road near Sunshine Dairy Farm Monday night and into yesterday morning prompted local police to alert residents that there’s nothing spooky or scary going on.
Bastian et al., 2012