a brief guide
Presented by: Eric Earl, Data Scientist
live follow along: slides.com/ericearl/gh-repo/live
or browse yourself: slides.com/ericearl/gh-repo
repository: github.com/ericearl/fancy_github
(look in the bottom right corner)
by the end of this, you should be able to say you can...
If you are not sure, read the below statement from GitHub:
"A repository contains all of your project's files
and each file's revision history."
one well-defined idea with small scope
a set of ideas with some end (semantic versioning)
a set of lists to keep track of ideas
a set of documents to explain
a place for repository-specific communication
can you now...
Good enough practices in scientific computing
Wilson, et al, PLOS Computation Biology, 2017.
Atlassian Git Tutorials - It's not just Atlassian Git education.
GitHub Features - "Built for developers", but really everybody...
a way to preserve the history of changes
one person or many people collaboratively
anyone can make exact copies at exact versions
I have processing pipeline code that is missing a new option.
Kathy has already developed and tested that code out.
We can work together to merge Kathy's changes into my version.
Anders changed some analysis code to add a feature.
His new change breaks Oscar's old analysis.
Oscar can restore the old version and avoid the new changes.