Abdullah Fathi
R has the best mix of desirable attributes including high data science for business capability, low cost, growth, and has a massive ecosystem of powerful R libraries
These two titans can join forces through "reticulate" package which allows us to use Python and R together
Packages to expand the feature of R
Speed up data exploration process
Base R
d3r (d3.js)
rgl (3d plot)
patchwork (combine seperate ggplot into same graphic)
many more...
Integrated Development Environment
Build an interactive web applications for visualizing data. Bring R data analysis to life.
Contains R functions for common HTML structures, UI Controls (Components/Widgets), and web framework tools. The framework is highly flexible, but require more knowledge of HTML & CSS
A push-button publishing from the RStudio to deploy Shiny applications, R Markdown reports, dashboards, plots, APIs, and more in one convenient place
Manage and Control Access
Easily Control Schedule and Stream Data