The Ultra Performant API Gateway

Abdullah Fathi

Technology Update with JDN

Microservices architecture has transformed the way we design and deploy modern applications. By breaking down complex systems into smaller, independent services, microservices offer improved scalability, resilience, and ease of maintenance


A high performance 

Effortlessly adopt microservices


Move from dealing with every particular microservice to talking to a single entry point that handles the interaction with all your microservices



Secure by Default


Authorization, protection against scrapping, security best practices and abuse prevention implementation out of the box


Scale Out Without Single Points of Failure


Stateless design provides true linear scalability. KrakenD does not require node coordinator or data centralization


What makes KrakenD different from competitors

What makes KrakenD different from competitors

What else?

  • A Feature-Rich Gateway: KrakenD supports a variety of protocols and API specifications, offering fine-grained access controls, data transformation, multiple integrations, and caching.
  • Customizability to Cater to Your Needs: Add custom features through our plugin system, extending KrakenD to fit your unique requirements.
  • Innovative Content Aggregation: KrakenD is a pioneer in implementing the Backend For Frontend pattern. It aggregates responses from multiple APIs in a single call, translating different encodings seamlessly.
  • Uncompromised Security: Aligned with OWASP best practices and a certified CNA, KrakenD offers top-notch security. Our software doesn't store any data, ensuring compliance with stringent data regulation policies.
  • Transparent, Predictable Pricing: Our pricing model includes unlimited requests and APIs/services, ensuring transparency and predictability. Our open-source community version is free and unlimited, and our Enterprise Edition offers a premium feature layer with expert support

KrakenD vs Kong vs Tyk:
API Gateway features matrix
(Enterprise products)



Q & A

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. - Colin Powell