R is widely used (statisticians, scientists, social scientists) and has the widest statistical functionality of any software
As a scripting language, R is very powerful, flexible, and easy to use
Integrated Development Environment
Packages to expand the feature of R
Times Series Forecast (Arima)
Statistical Test (t-test, chi-squared-test, correlation)
Text Mining/Sentiment Analysis (tidytext, syuzhet, tm)
Web Scraping (rvest)
Many more...
Build an interactive web applications for visualizing data. Bring R data analysis to life.
2 + 2 # add numbers
2 * pi # multiply by a constant
7 + runif(1) # add a random number
3^4 # powers
sqrt(4^4) # functions
log(100, base = 10)
23 %/% 2
23 %% 2
# scientific notation
5000000000 * 1000
5e9 * 1e3
val <- 3
Val <- 7 # case-sensitive!
print(c(val, Val))