dr.federica bianco | fbb.space |    fedhere |    fedhere 

let me introduce myself...


who  am I?

astrophysics -> data science 

astrophysics stands our as an observational, rather than experimental science


to "observe" the natural status of a system provides advantages. To inquire the system about its status may provide a biased response

(e.g. surveys have many biases)

who  am I?

astrophysics stands our as an observational, rather than experimental science


to "observe" the natural status of a system provides advantages. To inquire the system about its status may provide a biased response

(e.g. surveys have many biases)

who  am I?

astrophysics stands our as an observational, rather than experimental science


to "observe" the natural status of a system provides advantages. To inquire the system about its status may provide a biased response

(e.g. surveys have many biases)


Urban Science

 As a consequence, by 1970 the urban population of the less developed regions had surpassed that of the more developed regions (680 million versus 674 million), and the difference increased rapidly thereafter. [...] By 2050, with 5.6 billion urban dwellers, the less developed regions are projected to have 83 per cent of the world’s urban population and 87 per cent of the total world population.

what can data science do for Cities?

example: crime

example: real estate

identifying predatorial landlords

(CUSP capstone)

apps to evaluate rental deals


example: gentrification

change in business density, income, age, population, racial diversity measures gentrificatoin

example: energy

example: pollution

a historical plots that made history

Dr. John Snow 1854

A Cholera Map shows clustering - generally referred to as the first example of data science

Data- and Computational- Urban Science

- writing code to collect data

- writing code to explore the statistical properties of the data

- writing code to make predictions

- writing code to make predictions and investigate what variables were needed to make the prediction (feature importance)


GIS: integrating layers of data

“80% of Data is Geographic"

a geographic information system (GIS) is an information system specializing in the input, management, analysis, and reporting of geographical (spatially related) information.

geographical  = spatially related

GIS: integrating layers of data

“80% of Data is Geographic"

a geographic information system (GIS) is an information system specializing in the input, management, analysis, and reporting of geographical (spatially related) information.

geographical  = spatially related

GIS : data integration to data analysis

GIS in emergency management


GIS in urban planning

GIS in transportation

Dynamic data collection

Real-time data processing

Real time data serving 


GIS in platforms

Dynamic data collection

Real-time data processing

Real time data serving 


GIS in platforms

Dynamic data collection

Real-time data processing

Real time data serving 


why python??


open source


huge community of developers


extremely popular (great skill on the job market!)

geopandas: GIS extension of pandas python package

GeoSeries and GeoDataFrame extend the functionality of the pandas data structures. 

builds on other python spatial packages to perform manipulation and analysis:

  • fiona  - coordinate
  • shapely - shapes
  • pyproj - projection
  • rtree - for efficient cross operation
  • pysal - spatial analysis

-> inherits all the functionality of pandas

-> added functionality for spatial analysis

goepandas: GIS extension of pandas python package

GeoSeries and GeoDataFrame extend the functionality of the pandas data structures. 

needs a geometry column






the geometry column contains "shapely" objects

Shapely supports the creation of primitive geometry features. These include:

  • Point
  • LineString
  • LinearRing
  • Polygon
  • Multipart


collections are also supported:

  • MultiPoint,
  • MultiLineString
  • MultiPolygon

goepandas: GIS extension of pandas python package

GeoSeries and GeoDataFrame extend the functionality of the pandas data structures. 

needs a geometry column





may contain coordinates in a separate attribute




Shapely is a python library for geometric operations using the GEOS library.

Shapely can perform:

  • geometry validation
  • geometry creation (e.g. collections)
  • geometry operations

GEO layer integration with python

Thank you!
